I'm posting this because i know he subsists on these forums.. and so to publicly shame him [and any other sore losers out there]
he came into the room expecting an easy game and came out like a whining b*tch..
cry cry cry cry cry cry
1. I didn't only atk in trans. In fact i was constantly killing you at my base and by defending, that was my plan of attack...hell why diverge from that when you were practically committing suicide the 1000 times you launched yourself at me
2. Hide? err.. ye sure.. loser
3. Accusations of hacking? The symptom of a d*khead who just got his arsehole stretched ten-fold, u sl*t
I try to be gracious when winning and in defeat but obviously this loser has neither
fk me dead there are some dead set noobs out there
and as an added bonus ill add this screenie.
Not to show off but to degrade him further..