Yo guys. This year we've been on a steady slope, losing a lot of players. I wanna add some new goals & activies, but more importantly, get some new players, keep them very interested, help them out & give them some sweet goals & motivation. This isn't an event as I plan to keep it going for as long as I can.
I don't mind if this isn't very successful, but hopefully it benefits some.
For any Vets reading this, the Start a Guild Foundation will not apply to you making a Guild full of alts/friends alts
Adopt a Newbie
Play with someone new and post here that they're your buddy. Post about their progress as they go into the game and you'll both get prizes depending on how much progress is made. It doesn't matter if they're your friend or if they're completely new, it just can't be an alt, it has to be a real person and it has to be agreed upon by you both. Teach them about the game and help them get to our level.
If you yourself are new to the game and wanting to find a Mentor, just post here!
Prizes are to be determined, but most likely coin items for the newbie and gigas for the mentor.
Rules & Requirements
The Mentor must be at least level 225
Anyone under 225 can be on the buddy list
If you're above level 225 but don't really understand the game then you should avoid applying though
You can unbuddy any time
No alts or you'll be considered scamming
Ways of progression I'd like to see are-
How many gigas they have
How many coins they have
How much GP they've made in their guild
How much EXP they've gained
Any rares they've gotten? And which ones?
So make an open Sector room and grind some newbies today if you wanna make some easy money and help out the game. If Yz or Max see you in a room playing with more than 3 (-200 lvl) players, you'll get a reward for it as well.
Start your Guild now
Did starting your guild drain your bank? Struggling to get those sweet Luck & EXP buffs?
I'm going to help all aspiring Guild creators to get it done and get their Guild started.
Sign your new guild up here and I'll outright give you a year coin item. Post your guild progress here for some gigas, coins or items to give to your guildies.
You can start a new Guild and buddy up with the new players, enriching both of yourselves and getting the community going while powering the Guild itself as well. I'll list all the new guilds with their ambitions on this page as well if anyone wants to register.
Rules & Requirements
The Guild can't be in the top 30 to register
You have to have ambition to get it big
Keep me updated on memberlists & GP gains
Keep me updated on co-leaders
Not absolutely required but it'd be nice to make a Guild thread
This is for all modes. Send me screenshots of your Guild in Sector, PvP & BvB rooms for potential prizes, also show your total GP for the 3 modes. Raw GP isn't the requirement but being active is
So maybe now's the time to start a Guild & get some support. Just make sure you're staying active.
More is definitely going to come & I'd like to encourage some more PvP at some stage if this takes off. It shouldn't be hard, it's easy to make an open room and play with some new guys - help them find their stride and even help them out if they make their own Guild or something.
Everyone try & get the word out ingame please. When I first made Utopia after the guild wipe it was just a guild for Shass to train new players and most of them stuck with the game for a while because they enjoyed being mentored by an experienced player. If you feel like helping me out, helping the game out or just participating in general then you're very welcome to PM me any suggestions, offerings or sign up for one of the ideas with a newbie/new guild.