Just tell me any item you want from lvl161 and I will get it for you. Completely free. Just as long as it isn't +4/5 parts anything else is great. Donation of Transformation coupons is also accepted ;O
Items I will find in 161 : ( I will not include any lvl 150 and above parts found in 161 e.g Rapid Impaler, CPU and BladessCore )
Bladium MIS+1 head
Bladium MIS+2 head
Bladium MIS+3 head
Bladium GUN+1 arm
Bladium GUN+2 arm
Bladium GUN+3 arm
Bladium BST+1 body
Bladium BST+2 body
Bladium BST+3 body
Illuminium SP+1 head
Illuminium SP+2 head
Illuminium SP+3 head
Illuminium TG+1 arm
Illuminium TG+2 arm
Illuminium TG+3 arm
Illuminium TS+1 body
Illuminium TS+2 body
Illuminium TS+3 body
Plasmodium CRT+1 head
Plasmodium CRT+2 head
Plasmodium CRT+3 head
Plasmodium TD+1 arm
Plasmodium TD+2 arm
Plasmodium TD+3 arm
Plasmodium TA+1 body
Plasmodium TA+2 body
Plasmodium TA+3 body
Minibell CRT+1
Minibell TG+2
Minibell +3
PolarSpike +1
PolarSpike +2
PolarSpike +3
Swirlon +1
Swirlon TG+2
Swirlon SP+3
Omnikeeper TG+1
Omnikeeper GUN+2
Omnikeeper TD+3
Discus TG+1
Discus GUN+2
Discus TD+3