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Messages - FalseProphet

General Discussion / Re: Halloween event?
October 28, 2014, 06:00:57 AM
It'll be either last second, like day before/on the day or late :P. Never early.
Quote from: Cooky on October 24, 2014, 02:30:11 AM
im not seeing the problem. the parts would scale with the level so while a lvl 1 with dark meto could easily farm them from lvl 1 he would be getting lvl 1 versions of the parts so i dont see that any fix would be needed.

I wasn't here for that specific event so i didn't know how it worked. However, like i said it does need fixing for christmas though :P.
Quote from: Cooky on October 23, 2014, 06:23:25 AM
i think bosses should have more comprehensive drop lists. once u got all good parts u dont care about box drops anymore pretty much unless to sell to shop for gigas. it would add a lot to the game in my opinion if bosses had stuff that only dropped like 1% or 5% chance, really rare items. they could be cosmetic like E parts, but powerful (not OP tho). this way people maybe wont just grind for gp and stuff they can grind for rare parts. i remember some events that did this like halloween boss guy dropped rare parts and it was a huge success so you dont even need to really test the idea or ask for feedback. people like it.

Unless ofcourse your a level 1 with darkmeto and can one shot anything on easy mode :P (2-3shot boss) lol. That needs fixing before christmas event (if same happens again with snowballs)
Quote from: nemano9988 on October 21, 2014, 03:00:23 PM
Quote from: z0co2 on October 21, 2014, 12:40:57 PM
Leech II for members.

leech is considered as op skill, dont think leech II is a good idea would make everything to easy in all game mods

I agree, leech 1 is good enough and get's the job done. No need for two in the slightest (atm).
Quote from: Nero Blizzah on October 21, 2014, 05:46:03 PM
Veterans are veterans for a reason. What makes someone a veteran is they are no longer active, as in the army. Obviously the same concept goes for games. Like I saud that's how it used to be, not how it is. I'm many veterans in the real world would like for the world to go back to before all this technology came into place. But it's not going to happen.

Yes, let's keep a map that feeds new players xp and quick levels so you reach max in a day. Sounds like so much fun, i stopped playing because of how easy it is to obtain mostly anything in this game. Nothing to do with being new or veteran. If you want to be spoon fed in games so you have to do nothing to earn anything then go play techno kitten adventure or something.
Report A Bug / Re: Allie you must see this.
October 21, 2014, 06:21:05 AM
Quote from: qolderman on October 21, 2014, 04:55:31 AM
she does all the paypal things through pm
and this is not a suggestion, move plis

click here to pm her:

Why put the small print knowing full well, it's clearly not read-able. If you're going to say it, just say it so he can read it.
Perhaps adding onto Det's idea of new trans add in new trans (duration) for limited time let's say 1 week every month and rotates through the year, the duration being it will run out so by the time the rotation comes back round people can/will buy it again. But having it removed after a week urges people to either buy it, or go without til next rotation :) Making it a semi-rare item for a part time til it comes back.
Quote from: Cooky on October 13, 2014, 01:54:56 PM
Quote from: FalseProphet on October 13, 2014, 12:59:00 PM
The white knight and general scourge of w/e it was, where removed for an upcoming update swarm legion vs something else. I can barely even remember it, that it's been that long. Where planned to make a comeback when that update was meant to come in.

i dont believe they were meant to come back as that simply wouldnt make sense. why remove them from the game in preparation for an update.. in which they would be returned? makes no sense. 

the idea was that white knight and general scourge were going to be the leaders of 2 new factions that were going to be introduced to the game, and so u would no longer be able to buy them from the shop.

i personally think it makes perfect sense remove something everyone loves, to bring back in a major update in which you choose a faction which would then depending on the faction you pick would unlock one of those trans for you to use again as being a member of the faction :P.
Quote from: Enciroth on October 12, 2014, 10:52:31 PM
Quote from: Yz on October 09, 2014, 02:31:57 AM
If we're trying to get the game active then I suggest a welcome back gift to players who haven't logged in for 3 months or so. I don't think unbanned players should be able to get these though to encourage good behaviour but doesn't matter in the long run.

Well if you want to bring back some older players just start with some simple things...

1. Bring back White Knight to the shop. You took out one of the most iconic trans packs in the game without any legitimate reason.
2. A new class of members for people who've been around for years, like "Veteran" or "Honorary Member." Give the oldies some recognition for coming back. This should be relatively easy to implement.
3. You guys should make an official game trailer. Sure, you have the videos from that video craze I started a couple years ago as well as that amateur rap video (which makes the game seem boring IMO), but you need something more professional that makes people actually want to play the game.

That's all for now. Thanks.
By the way. Selene, I know you plagiarized from me in one of your GM apps a long time ago. Just putting that out there. You probably forgot though, since that's just how much of a klutz you were.

1. The white knight and general scourge of w/e it was, where removed for an upcoming update swarm legion vs something else. I can barely even remember it, that it's been that long. Where planned to make a comeback when that update was meant to come in. So it was fairly legitimate, and sure someone else will explain in further detail with correct information.
2. How would you tell who has/hasn't been around for years? As most people have been here a long time, but then made new accounts along the line. Where-as some have brought account which where made by other people years back also, but only recently played bc.
3. +1
Player Sponsored Events / Re: Max needs YOUR help!
October 12, 2014, 09:24:53 PM
I think the events should be fair to all players, and should try work around most timezones also. The prizes should just be one big prize, and 2, 3rd personally.

lobby events i dislike due to spam, Sector i'd say yes maybe a box/part accumulation event, most quickest time solo-ing a level?, PvP would only class as a fair playing field if there was set restrictions and level depending on the person playing, example get names random generator or tub of names to pick who plays who. Tbh, if someone loses because someone has/had more experience it's fair at the end of the day.

BvB, perhaps team events, most merc kills(without pushing).

Prizes like gigas, would help out a minority so i say no. It'd be best for items and find a item which is demanded by majority of the community to use as a prize, coins i think aren't as much as a good prize so try not to involve them if you can unless the winner requests it instead.

Quote from: Allie on October 11, 2014, 07:25:53 AM
Quote from: qolderman on October 11, 2014, 07:18:45 AM
thats a really nice idea, allie
this could maybe bring back some people

Made the thread to discuss these things with you guys.
Any thoughts other than +1'ing (which is fine)?
Perhaps suggestions on what the rewards can be on the idea you've quoted.

1 day - xp boost on the 1st day just a 2hour (game-time xp booster) or something little
2 day - coins, nobody likes them as much but in the end free is free
3rd day - random 7 day item from shop
4th day - 1m gigas or something not too much to increase the current in-game amount
5th day - a special event/coin item which when added up let's say (25 tokens) can then be used to redeem a prize)
6th day - stat booster (which has an expiry e.g 2 hours) in conjunction with a raid buffs to increase and make them harder having this buff will give you that edge but only for a limited time. But enough time, to try work out stratergies.
7th day - lottery ticket of some sort.

Just a rough idea with some input from other games :P

Quote from: loewe98 on October 11, 2014, 07:32:24 AM
Another idea I have is:
In your inventory you can select multible items to delete at once, no need to delete it one by one anymore
It saves us alot of time
Also add this to the giftbox so u can send multible items like 3 in trade to another person and make coins sendable in gifts

^ Multiple selection item as-well as in marketplace being able to select more than one item will be great for marketplace especially when you got pages,pages,pages of stuff :P. With the option to select multiples and send via. gift from marketplace by entering in-game name.

Quest idea - Milestone achievements mentioned before, play 100 games without and skills, complete raid using no trans, complete a level in under a set time, complete a level with nothing equipped, kill 1000 bubbleboy's etc. (will adapy on prizes and more milestones if it takes interest)
General Discussion / Re: 100,000 users!
October 10, 2014, 03:33:32 AM
Note: I class as x100 accounts by now... :P. But seriously, there are some really inactive, not so popular people who i wouldn't mind coming back for real random reasons.
General Discussion / Re: Ban Appeals
October 10, 2014, 03:30:28 AM
Quote from: Allie on October 09, 2014, 07:55:32 PM
We are, however, considering doing a mass ban wipe later this month.
We're unsure of the criteria under which we'll unban. There are over 5,000 banned accounts.

Oh wow, and just so to clarify i wasn't being sycastic in my last response you generally answered my question ha, understandable. How will people find out? will it just be pot of luck upon login or will you inform those people that their account is unbanned?
Off Topic / Re: happy birthday cooky
October 09, 2014, 06:07:29 PM
Happy Birthday Cooky (:
Perhaps new/re-create low sever. As the new high server, and with latest xp rates/maps/models fresh start for all, and to introduce it also include like a beginner's event etc. I mean people always complain about xp rates yet there is low server right there underneath, telling me it doesn't take ages to level on there? The only fact is that people prefer easy leveling and getting items easy. The option is already there to slow level, just it's not populated enough for people to play and enjoy it. If both where to collapse let's say and just ONE server with the best bits from high and low in one server that would be great. However, in this perm member/items and such could be concluded for items on the new server via. forum shop. Using old server items to buy the stuff on new server. But idk my point isn't exactly justified and i probably contradicted myself various times.
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