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Messages - Reviax

Most Academic - Dunno
Best Gamer - Dunno
Best Competitive Spirit - Oreos
Most Artistic - Isn't this the same as "Most Creative"? If we're assuming visual art then I choose Jetsurge.
Most Autistic - Too many to list
Most Creative - Paranoia
Most Talented - Can be almost anybody. Depends on the subject. Talented at the game?
Most Coolest - Dunno
Most Outgoing - Imagination (a little too outgoing...)
Most Funniest - Materger
Most Friendliest - Medchill
The Craziest - Jetsurge! (In a good way)
The Weirdest - kulvinder
The Smartest - Dunno
The Wisest - Ross
Most Annoying - Too many to list
Most Likely To Succeed - Succeed in what?
Most Likely "Not" to Succeed - ^
Most Laziest - Staff
The Grouch - Staff
Spam / Re: Q&A game
April 15, 2014, 07:22:39 PM
Will you answer this question?
Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
Nop, lvl difference makes more difference then items. I am pretty sure I understand more in these stuff then you.
No, you don't understand this more than me. How about you test that^ in-game?

Quote from: Reviax on April 14, 2014, 06:46:58 PMYou're kinda contradicting yourself there. You have the advantage as a surge because of your items.
Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
So u tell me that I can't use body that gives me speed? This is really stupid, as a surge I am suppose to be much faster then them. And I also said that they got same items as me like rt1 set ect so how I get advantage as a surge coz of my items if we got same items, only that they are rams or patches an I am a surge? While I am faster they got longer trans or more ta and td as a patch. You basically say here that I can't use surge?
No, that's not what I'm saying. >_>
You said:
Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
it is really easy not to get hit, doesnt matter what items i got. only the fact that i am surge and they are patch\ram give me advantage.

Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
I want to be at max lvl when I get membership, what's wrong with that?
Nothing is wrong with that. It's just completely pointless. (Like you collecting botstract)

Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
also if the items are the problem i am pretty sure they can say: "can u remove that?" and if they ask for it i always remove, that just happened to me yestarday because some1 had t3 arms and i had rt1 so i removed them.
so it is generally this- "people you're facing are lower levels/really bad" and when i face good ppl in high lvl they got the same items, or even better items then me.
Quote from: Reviax on April 14, 2014, 06:46:58 PMWhich goes back to me suggesting that you handicap yourself.
Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
I don't think you'll understand if I try to explain it since (I'm assuming) English isn't your first language.

Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
Anyway collecting bs and getting exp are good enough reason for this suggestion so yea.
Let me make sure we're on the same page here. You want this implemented so that you can:
-Collect pointless botstract at a faster pace.
-Collect XP that you don't even need.


-1 to this. Makes it a hassle for people who just want to leave the game, ragequitter or not.
General Discussion / Re: Slaying
April 14, 2014, 06:49:10 PM
Quote from: BlackStickre on April 14, 2014, 03:56:23 PM
Quote from: Cooky on April 14, 2014, 03:55:15 PM
maybe try Zylon BOTS?

Not that active
Agree. PvP there is even less active than BC.
Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
first of all players between lvl 1 - 200 dont pvp and if they do it is rare, and trust me, when some1 lvl 225 pvp some1 lvl ~150 it doesnt matter what items he got or i got coz he got no chance to win coz of the lvl difference, and that without concidering that 99.999999% of them are bad too, so there is no point.
Gonna disagree with this. Gear makes more of a difference than level.

Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
about the rest, 95% of them got rt1 set + jack + member flags or reaper or td +all the items u concider op. not my fault that most of the ppl dont know what breakfall is and they never talk in chat or they are koreans that dont speak english. they just upper spam or do nothing so it is really easy not to get hit, doesnt matter what items i got. only the fact that i am surge and they are patch\ram give me advantage. anyway, never happen to me yet that some1 with breakfall and he knew how to play quitted the game.
You're kinda contradicting yourself there. You have the advantage as a surge because of your items.

Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
1. i am a bs collector, doesnt matter if they are worthless
Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
2. with member i am still not 270 so i do want exp
Why? At level 225 you can equip everything you need to.

Quote from: matan124 on April 14, 2014, 06:19:17 AM
also if the items are the problem i am pretty sure they can say: "can u remove that?" and if they ask for it i always remove, that just happened to me yestarday because some1 had t3 arms and i had rt1 so i removed them.
so it is generally this- "people you're facing are lower levels/really bad" and when i face good ppl in high lvl they got the same items, or even better items then me.
Which goes back to me suggesting that you handicap yourself.
Off Topic / Re: i want to start a new anime
April 13, 2014, 11:00:56 PM
Seems like you're looking for some Action/Adventure.

Maybe you can have a look at Soul Eater or Gurren Lagann. If you want a more complex story line then maybe you can have a look at Darker Than Black.

...Or of course you could try One Piece. I don't like the anime, but many Naruto fans enjoy One Piece as well.
Quote from: matan124 on April 13, 2014, 09:03:30 PM
You probably don't get it coz u never pvp but it is so annoying when ppl do it and it happen like 8 games out of 10.
As a guy that like to pvp it ruins my joy that every1 just leave, it makes me feel that pvp sux.
I want to see how u will feel when every1 just quit with no point every game.
Also, if the amount of bs is irrelevant from a kill so how ppl get high amount of bs? 1 after 1, it is not like u can get it anywhere else. If all my games were like that I wouldn't have 300k bs from only pvping.
And as a guy who hates sector so much (took me 2 years to get to lvl 200) I prefer getting exp in a fun way (even tho it will take me longer time) ruther then doing the exact same map in the exact same way 200 time like a robot.
I feel exactly the same when somebody leaves a game because it's the same as killing them. You win, they lose.

How fun is PvP really for you? Either the people you're facing are lower levels/really bad or you're completely overpowered. In all of your screenshots you won in blue HP. In two of them you're wearing OP gear. In the other two you're transed, but I'm willing to bet you were still wearing RT1/T3. And I'm almost certain you won those matches in under 2 minutes. You don't need to see the player die, it's clear before the match even starts that you won. Want PvP to be more fun? Try handicapping yourself. Wanna know why nobody wants to PvP with you? Have a look at your equips.

Leveling up now is much easier than it was 2 years ago. You're level 225, you don't need XP anymore. According to the rankings, you only have 148k botstract. (Unless you have the rest on an alternate account. Not that it matters, I'm convinced BS is worthless)
Quote from: nanak tatum on April 13, 2014, 08:42:35 PM
Quote from: Reviax on April 13, 2014, 08:32:23 PM
Well... Players could just close the entire client.

Do you really need them to stay until they die? The XP is so low that it hardly makes a difference. The amount of botstract you get is horrible too. (Does botstract even do anything useful? >_>)
They can also just suicide on most maps by jumping into the water/lava. Then your XP will get halved and you'll get no botstract.

1/2 exp better than no exp. Also, yes, why not make it harder for them to have to exit/more inconvenient because they are the ones RQ'ing. Also, people might want bot stract for fun/they might actually use it.
PvP isn't played for XP. That's what sector is for. You can get 20 times more exp from one run of map 258 in sector.
And again, does botstract do anything useful? >_>

This suggestion seems pointless to me. This won't make a difference so I don't disapprove.
Well... Players could just close the entire client.

Do you really need them to stay until they die? The XP is so low that it hardly makes a difference. The amount of botstract you get is horrible too. (Does botstract even do anything useful? >_>)
They can also just suicide on most maps by jumping into the water/lava. Then your XP will get halved and you'll get no botstract.
Suggestions / Re: OMG Base is REVIVED!
April 12, 2014, 11:56:54 AM
Quote from: Pein on April 12, 2014, 05:39:50 AM
We can use trans as a merc. Imagine how fun will it be?
Lanny being a pro, dk doing the 4x combo, digidragon doing the jumping fire attack, overrunner's pro hits, kowbat the king, all of them in our base mode and it will rock.
pls no
Off Topic / Re: New song for BC: EGK-Gigas
March 29, 2014, 02:49:12 PM
Well done considering you made it in less than 3 hours.

Nice. =)
Spam / Re: What should I draw?
March 25, 2014, 06:49:12 PM
draw a moose pls
Spam / Re: posting a neat drawing
March 23, 2014, 07:50:48 PM
is it a moose?
Off Topic / Re: Noblem's Q&A
March 22, 2014, 07:47:03 PM
What kind of bottled water do you like?
Coke or Pepsi?
What is a Noblem?
Are you going to answer this question first?
If it is 5:00 in Mexico what time is it in Africa?
When was the last time you walked up a flight of stairs?
What about the last time you walked down a flight of stairs?
Are you good at cooking?
What do you have in your refrigerator?
Do you even have a refrigerator?
What do you think of the lottery?
Are convenience stores better than dollar stores?
Am I asking too many questions?
Which word starts with H and ends with O?
Are you sitting or standing right now?
If you look straight up, what do you see?
What are keyboards made out of?
Double A or triple A?
Would you ever try eating carrots with ketchup?
If you did try it, how did they taste?
Do you know how to play Go Fish?
If aliens attacked Earth right now what is the first thing you would do?
If cows attacked Earth right now what is the first thing you would do?
Do you think this thread will reach 5 pages in length?
What is the diameter of your computer screen?
If you rolled a regular dice, what number do you think it would land on? (1-6)
Can you draw a stick person?
Can you perform CPR?
Is golf boring?
Why am I asking all these questions?
Is a surprise actually a surprise?
Spoon or fork?
How far can you jump?
Can you run faster than Sonic?
Do you approve of the use of cars?
What about the use of bicycles?
Are you 67 years old?
Are you 68 years old?
Are you happy that this is the last question?
Normal Server / Re: GM Max - Giant Sale
March 22, 2014, 03:47:38 PM
Are those mercs permanent?
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