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Regarding tricky's pvp tourney [Read before ticking an answer]

Started by NeoKiller, August 26, 2012, 11:01:16 AM

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Should Galacti get a rematch ?



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There was this match in the tourney Galacti vs Razor7.
Galacti won the first round, Razor the 2nd thus it was 1-1.
The 3rd one started and after 20 secs galacti said "brb i need surge for this" and suicided.
He was at 75% health and Razor was at 85% health (tho he took a hp pack).

There are some things to consider.
Galacti was a lvl 200 ram with metorium (ele +5) and Razor a lvl 221 Surge with ele +7.
Razor had a hp advantage in the match which he looses when it gets restarted since they both start at 100% again which makes it kind of unfair.
However isn't the tourney about to find out who's the best and not about who gets as far as possible because of a disqualification ?

So, what do you guys think?
Should galacti receive another chance or should Razor7 win by disqualification?


In my opinion yes but he should have suicided after getting a confirmation of his opponent,take a screenshot of him agreeing
Don't think, feel


1. Metorium and Elektra have same HP, I voted for the following without even knowing that there was no hp disbalance whatsoever caused by level, but if there were, than by decision of galacti.

2. No, I voted that there should be no rematch because galacti knew he'd be playing as a ram when he hit the ready button. Because it was an official match, suicide is a form of submitting in defeat; which in this case results in a point on the other side (2-1).

3. I can see the other side of the argument, so you need not debate me. He decided he needs to power up, but choosing whilst in the midst of a fight was his downfall - he had plenty of time before he hit that ready button to figure "Hmm, in the last two games it would have been beneficial if I was surge, so maybe I should go surge." Instead, he waited until he got nervous in the last game (in which he was losing, if he wasn't afraid of losing [submitting defeat] he would not have committed suicide mid-game) to decide it'd be beneficial to be a surge.

Not my choice to decide, but the only reason it would get a do-over is because of who galacti is. That's my honest opinion.


Trying my best to not appear bias (eg not even making the decision myself) buuut he frapsed the fight, you were 85, nearly yellow, and that's after taking a HP. Just saying THAT part's wrong.

Galacti isn't getting special treatment, this is the first time stuff's like this has happened and I'm getting opinions for a decision.
DISCORD killyzkill


I don't know who Galacti is so I'm just gonna say this:

Razor had overwhelming advantage to begin with, HP + the fact that surges always start off better due to speed (You never see a patch/ram have an advantage in the beginning of a match, only in the middle-end when their transes are up and running), Gal should get a rematch cause a) less HP, b)Armor and level, C) If this tournament is about who is truly the best then a rematch has to take place, you wanna find out who's best why ***** out. Why not accept the challenge and do a rematch. So and so thinks he's best, why not prove it by doing another match. That should always be in the mind of a PvPer, when I lose a match I don't exit and flame, I ready again and see if the guys chicken to fight again (If he won red, 99% of the time in this community the dude will leave and say ha I got advantage aka mystogen).

Be a man, not a wussy. Rematch.

Wanna make it more fair? Same armor, coinless. No Dark Meto, no hallo sets. Strictly legit.

**** yea.

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


Why don't you stop voting on alternate accounts and just play him already.

He had 1hp (Tricky had debug mode), while you had high red and you lost.

What are you so scared of?

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


Since Corr and Allie have basically said what I had in mind, and what I told Tricky through msn, I say Galacti should get a rematch, if razor wanted to be legit, he shouldn't be happy about the opponent suiciding in 3rd round.

+1 for rematch


imo he should be given a rematch but he should have the 10% hp disadvantage from the start of the match


Quote from: Noname21 on August 26, 2012, 11:20:36 AM
Im sorry I did not mean to vote, -1 for yes if you dont mind.

No because you voted on alts lawl
DISCORD killyzkill


Don't think, feel


He does not deserve a rematch. He knows he's going against some with a disadvantage on his side, yet he still chooses to use ram. They even played a little before he decided to change. I may not know much about pvp, but along with skill you need brain; That was a stupid move on his part.



Quote from: zomniethe4 on August 26, 2012, 12:19:16 PM
He does not deserve a rematch. He knows he's going against some with a disadvantage on his side, yet he still chooses to use ram. They even played a little before he decided to change. I may not know much about pvp, but along with skill you need brain; That was a stupid move on his part.

agree with this.
Normal / Low
IGN: LT.Surge / Psycho_Patch
Level: 172 / 7
Guild: None / None

Thx to Pig for the Raichu sig. :D

Badass PvPer I guess so.. XD


I don't mind what happens. I took the chance of suiciding, and honestly I was hoping for my guild member and fellow "respectable" PvPer to want an honourable win. I am completely fine with disqualification, but I am disappointed that Razor7 did not even give me a chance to redeem my loss outside of the tourny. I mean, this was to decide who was the better PvPer, right? I know I would have put up a good fight in this tournament. I am hoping to catch the finalists online and 1v1 them to prove I would have done well. I guess we can't count on a guild members courtesy in PvP - but I already guessed this much before I left, as I was being slandered about my 'lack of skill' the entire time. I just wanted to leave asap, to be honest.

Thx, Galacti


It was his fault that he went into the game as a Ram and forgot to change to a Surge beforehand, and then suicideing "20 seconds in." For that Ross says he should not have a rematch, however we should also give him some leeway. There was no rule that stated if you suicide you lose, plus Razor should be more of a man and prove what one of them is really better instead of crying that he should be DQ, and the fact he suicided close to the start. However if Gal was to do a rematch, he should basically resume the match like it was before. Same armor and as a Ram, not a Surge.  ::)

Omnomnom eating toast.

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