i hate zekrom so much i got pokemon white because they were sold out of pokemon black and i released my zekrom and cheated for reshiram : D
but in pokemon white 2 u get reshiram : D : D
also white 2 and black 2 are pretty interesting, you can get these pokemon:
Black 2 - White 2
Magmortar Electivire
Magmar Electabuzz
Magby Elekid
Latios Latias
Spoink <-HAHA PIG Numel
Grumpig Camerupt
Registeel Regice
Regirock Regirock
Gible* Dratini*
Gabite* Dragonair*
Garchomp* Dragonite*
Pokemon marked with * means shiny

Also later on in the games you get a free lv 60 haxorus* if you have completed the national pokedex, you simply get a ticket from Prof. Juniper I THINK and go to mistralton city, go to the plane guy and fly over there and you should see the lv 60 haxorus* nearby.