Hi guys! I'll teach how to use joysticks/gamepads on BC.
- You must download the Xpadder software.
- Start Xpadder. If it doesn't work, right click on its icon -> Properties -> Compatibility -> mark the box "execute this program in compatibility mode" and chose Windows XP SP3.
- When it starts, this window should appear. Click on the gamepad img on the top left and "New".
- Now go on "Images" and "Open". Chose the img of your gamepad and click ok. I'll use the Xbox 360 img.
- If you want to use a stick to move, click on "Sticks" and mark "Enable". After that, it will ask you to press some directions.
- If you want to use a DPad, click on "DPad" and do the same as you did above.
- Click on "Buttons" and press all your gamepad buttons. They all should appear on the screen. You just need to organize them.
- For Xbox 360 gamepads, you need to activate the triggers. Click on "Trigger", mark "Enable" and just follow the instructions.
- Now you must config. you gamepad. First, click on the "tool" near of the Stick/DPad area and select the "Arrows".
- For the other buttons, click on them and the screen below will appear. For exemple, Click on the "A" button of your game pad and press "C"on the keyboard. Now you can jump using the "A" button.
- You can use one button for 2 keys. For exemple, if you want to use the "B" button for Skills, click on the button and click on "Advanced...". The screen below should appear. Press the keys "X" and "C". now if you press the "B" button, you will be able to use your Skill. You can do it to use your gun too.
- There is a "turbo" function that may help with your gun, Guard Crush and Uppercut(Patchs can spam like hell with this LOL!!!) Skills. Just click on "Turbo" and set the speed. Don't set it too fast or the button will fail some times.
Now you can enjoy the game with your gamepad. IMO, it's much better than play with the keyboard.