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Really dissapointed...

Started by Noname21, November 25, 2012, 01:45:32 AM

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Yesterday I was playing some pvp and I stumbled into GM ZeroUHs room, we were playing HoverByte and I suppose he decided to camp on the platform. I do not play like that I respect my opponent enough not to camp, and I thought maybe they would respect me not to camp so I told him "I will not go there, I will be waiting here." He then said afk, and I went on to youtube, only to come back 1 minute later to find that he forced me out of his room. I obviously asked him why, at which point he laughed.

Then today, I joined him in another PvP game. He won, and he said that "I was easy" claiming that I was an easy win, at which I replied that he was lagging and that his tactic was bad, he did not agree. He continued to whisper me a few more times, at which I did comment. I dropped the topic only to have him whisper me again at what I believe was an attempt to instigate an argument for what later will become more clear.

So... time passes and I seen that there was this room named "Recruiting for ***whore." I said to him "I think you should remove the guild named ***whore." He asked me who's guild it was.. I said Santa's. So... he said "No." I said why, he said.. it's Santa guild. I said "So by your logic it is okay for police to commit crimes." You know this does really bug me and it upset me children play this game and the owners make these nasty comments towards other plays and they create profane guilds and use profane language. So, I told him that in my books he is lowest life form. Apparently he is not dignified enough to accept that I am right. He is being shamefull. He banned me for breaking rule #13. And yet has done anything to take care of the guild name... now that seems a little hypocritical if you ask me.

In short I really do not want to be un-ban he has ruined the game for me for a little while, it is a shame that you adults act like children and can not get your act together. 12 and 13 year olds are running around your forum calling being "faygs" and other profanities.
I am disgusted with you all, and the most horrific part is that I get ban because non of you are mature and can take criticism.

Good job, staff of BoutCheetah


That was a very nice and well thought out post, lets see what the staff has to say about this


I have more screens if necessary. Screens of our convo and a lot of them can tell everyone about your behavior. You know, I hate people who uses masks.
I suggest you to stay out of trouble or things can get worse.


<br /><br /><br />SC: breadstickmaker<br />EGK #Aphrodite<br />


Sir, I have not been in any trouble, my nose is clean. I give respect where respect is due, I claimed that I infact did say that, and I still stand by it. I did not hide what I said, everything in that screenshot is in my initial post.

That was the only real bad thing I said, and it is truth.

As you can see, I wanted to block him. He was whispering me before and I grew tired of his whispers.
He obviously took screenshots of the whispers because he knew what he was planning on doing.


November 25, 2012, 01:59:26 AM #5 Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 02:01:42 AM by ZeroUH
Quote from: Noname21 on November 25, 2012, 01:56:27 AM
Sir, I have not been in any trouble, my nose is clean. I give respect where respect is due, I claimed that I infact did say that, and I still stand by it. I did not hide what I said, everything in that screenshot is in my initial post.

That was the only real bad thing I said, and it is truth.
1st- You claim for respect without respect others. That screen shot that I posted is a perfect example of what I'm saying.
2nd- If you know me well, and I think you don't, you should know that I'm one of the most unbias members of staff. I'm sure that you don't know who you are dealing with, sir.
Again, I suggest you to stop.


If you can prove Zero's at fault, I will take action. I don't take well to my staff acting in such a way. However, I cannot do anything based off pure word.


I could care less if you punish him or not Allie, my word is truth and if you do not believe me, then you do not believe me.
I did not take screenshots for I had no intention to slander his name and had no idea what was on his agenda.
I just wanted people to see this child like maturity up hand, and I really would not expect you to do anything....
Just like I doubt you will remove the guild that I so desperately want removed.

I am still disappointed, and the fact that he does this behind your back should be an insult to you.
I am sorry if this comes across as rude, but this must be dealt with. I have grown tired of this.
I am not talking about GM ZeroUh, I am talking about the whole BoutCheetah scene.


But here's the thing,

I happened to see you in pvp the other day, and, being the hardcore meta-game player I am, I happened to tell you not to use TD, since you were full TD. You called me a stupid complainer, which I was okay with at the time, but then your lag starts to seriously bother me. So I kicked you out of my room. You then called me a stupid bitch who abuses my powers, and continued to flame me while I continued to pvp for awhile.
I do not tolerate this kind of behaviour. I chose not to ban you, but this makes it okay when Zero did.


Nope..... I think you have the wrong person Allie.
I never played you, let alone had the chance. You never allow people to pvp with you.
People always say that. You have me mixed up with someone else.


Quote from: Noname21 on November 25, 2012, 01:45:32 AM
it is a shame that you adults act like children and can not get your act together. 12 and 13 year olds are running around your forum calling being "faygs" and other profanities.
I am disgusted with you all, and the most horrific part is that I get ban because non of you are mature and can take criticism.

Good job, staff of BoutCheetah


It's true.

Death is calling you.


I didn't. My point was, I said words without proof. If you quote my post, I included that my post is just as true as yours.
You made this thread in order to "show Zeros true colours", but without proof, it's just words. Anyone can make up a story, and even twist it so it sounds like they're the victim, but you have no evidence, therefore the entire thread is nulled.

I will get rid of the guild, I yelled at Kenny for it before, but regarding Zero, I'm afraid this thread is useless as all you did was wrote a story (even if it's true, it's just a story without evidence).

And @Straw
tbh you're one of the ones who run around the forum screaming "CALL ME A ***" and then get pissed when you get called one. even if we're staff, we're NOT robots. If you have something coming, you will get it, especially from me.


I understand. I just wanted to voice my opinion.
I really don't like that you think I would lie, but heck.


Quote from: Allie on November 25, 2012, 02:17:25 AM
And @Straw
tbh you're one of the ones who run around the forum screaming "CALL ME A ***" and then get pissed when you get called one. even if we're staff, we're NOT robots. If you have something coming, you will get it, especially from me.

Omg Alli u so harsh.
Err... Sowwi D:
I was jus sayin its true T_T
Cage is really nice I mean I pvped him like 20 times and I lost and he even said stuff to me cuz I was being a **** but that made no difference to me. PvP is for fun, it should stay that way.
Cage, Zero kicked me over 200 times cuz I lagged and then laughed at me for being a nap but that makes me lol, Chillax bro I even got baned for swearing at a GM but now we cool :D.
I think he should be unbanned :/

Death is calling you.


I don't. But Zero is my most trusted staff member. Naturally, you have no proof, so I must defend the one I trust more.

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