Due to our minimal time this month with Kenny missing, we bring you a small, exciting map to enjoy.
To access this map, select Event from Sector rules.
You'll be brought to a room without tags, with one available map.
The boss drops three unique items - candy, and two items I will not spoil!
The candy can be used with the shiny new button available in the lobby. You type the name of a friend or another player, and you use up a candy to send them a gift!
For every five gifts you send, you will receive a gift of your own (in addition to any others may have sent you).
This gift has a slightly higher chance of something cool, so send out gifts to everyone you know! (can only gift to online players, and can only give to a unique player once a day)
In addition to these events, you will enjoy x2 all week, with x3 on Halloween. We will also be releasing another small something on Halloween, so look forward to it!