Both parts have their advantages (the post by mat) and disadvantages, so it depends upon the person. I'd say homeschooling requires a greater liability from the person and chance is more vague of having a fine connection with your teacher/s. Also about being prepared for lessons on every subject homeschooling means a more independently way of working by the student. Just by being in school and actually listen only to the main points the teacher is providing may be more informative than you think. Homeschooling is better adapted for a person who prefers to schedule their work in an independent way and somewhat reject convenient help from teachers. Not to mention the socialization issue, obviously there's a risk of getting a worsened competence of interacting with others, homeschoolers don't get as many opportunitys to socialize as they are working at home.
Another disadvantage about homeschooling is that I (take me for example) wouldn't feel the same pressure to be punctional, such as arrive in time for lessons, thus potentially mess up the balance of my daily rhythm and miss out events, and so on. At home you're most likely to be be connected to the internet too, social networks and more can be precisely as distracting as friends in school, which is a huge problem for some.
tl;dr homeschooling may be the better alternative for someone who's disciplined af and can take full responsibility themselves, of their work, socially and financially.
Assuming you have a task about this in school, and will take parts of the answers you agree with.