Pirate parts.
A PIRATE walks into a bar.
Bartender: "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while.
What happened? You're a mess!"
Pirate: "What do you mean? I'm fine."
Bartender: "What's with the wooden leg? You
didn't have that before."
Pirate: "Well, we were in a sea battle and a can-
non ball smashed my leg. But now it's patched up.
I'm fine, really."
Bartender: "What about that hook? Last time I
saw you, you had both hand.
Pirate: "Well we were in another battle and I
was in a sword fight. My hand got cut off. But I've
been fitted with this hook, and I feel great, really."
Bartender: "What about your eye patch then?
Last time you were in here, you had both eyes."
Pirate: "Well, one day out at the sea, some gulls
were flying over us. I looked up, and one of them
shat in my eye."
Bartender: "So what happened? You couldn't
have lost eye just from bird sh*t."
Pirate: "Well. I wasn't used to the hook yet, you
LOL.. xD