What if the minimum level for raid 235 was lowered to 225 so that it would actually be possible to fill a room? I know the original idea was to have a team of 8 people play, but 8 people are unnecessary, and it can be incredibly hard to find 8 people that are online, have paid for membership, are level 235+, and actually want to raid. And most of the time half of the raid group exits or sits afk anyways.
So why not lower the level req TO START THE MAP to level 225? The req for the rt2 parts would stay 235, so the armor would remain a members-only item. All that would change would be that level 225's could start. 225's would be able to get the armor drops like everyone else, but you would be required to purchase membership in order to get the level 235 required to wear it. This would actually create incentive to purchase membership. I know I for would would be much more likely to buy a membership if I didn't have one, in order to wear the boss armor I had just scored.
So to summarize, the only thing that would change is the level required to start and play the map, making it many times easier to fill a room. It's tiring to be a member, but not be able to get rt2 simply because there aren't enough other members on at the same time as you, even if you have the skill to win the map.
Thoughts please