If i was you i'd check up the OT, and everything. So many hacked pokemon out their now days. You want something legit like a flawless kb battle ready poke or something. All these powersaved poke's are half the reason i don't trade. As not wasting my time i put into a poke trying to get it flawless for some crappy genned poke lol. I mean i've got couple legit 5-6iv's some with egg moves, some flawless not any spare battle ready poke's though. Also got various different items too which i don't need as i don't use them.
Par from that feel free to add meh, and i'm sure we can sort something out my other half has my 3ds at the moment
. Any specific pokemon you want? As i can try breed you some as-well with egg-moves 5-6iv's (can't gurantee shiny as probability by hatching is lol) even though i do the masuada method.