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A little request from comunity about my ban.

Started by anaroy50, January 06, 2015, 06:28:06 PM

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U Think Aln Should Be Unbanned Or Not?

Stay Banned.


Hello,my name is Aln and like some of you might know I got banned for glitching (the one which is almost same with hack, but not using any program that can affect the game). I got the ban like 3 weeks ago, after 2 weeks passed I asked GM Max ,the one that banned me,I told him when I get the unban and he said it's up to Allie to check logs to clarify the ban .In this time Prestige guild ,Baggies guild had 2 hackers catched and had logs CHECKED and even all guild. I'm asking you commnity to vote if this is fair to me or not.Thank you, say what you think I won't judge you if you are not with me.
Also i would like to get also staffs oppinion's about this request.
Thanks for understanding.


IGN : PT Roy(270)/PT Royster(262)
Guild : Prestige/Legion



IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


You were already proven guilty weren't you? The people in Prestige were merely suspected so they were a way more pressing issue. I'm not 100% about this but that's as far as I know.
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: anaroy50 on January 06, 2015, 06:28:06 PM
Hello,my name is Aln and like some of you might know I got banned for glitching (the one which is almost same with hack, but not using any program that can affect the game).
Hi Aln,
You abused your knowledge of this game, and abused a glitch which gave you an unfair advantage compared to other people, who play the game fairly.
There's many glitches, and there's a big difference in all of them.
The one you abused, is very comparable with hacking.

Quote from: anaroy50 on January 06, 2015, 06:28:06 PM
I got the ban like 3 weeks ago, after 2 weeks passed I asked GM Max ,the one that banned me,I told him when I get the unban and he said it's up to Allie to check logs to clarify the ban.
This is correct.
Your main has been banned for 3 weeks now.
I'm still awaiting reply from Allie, and have asked her repeatedly to check, however, I'm just a GM, so I can not do more than ask and wait.
I don't like how long this is taking, but I also don't care too much, because in the end, you glitched/hacked, in which case, I could personally care less about a possible unban.
NOTE: You will remain banned until Allie gives me the information I need.

Quote from: anaroy50 on January 06, 2015, 06:28:06 PM
In this time Prestige guild ,Baggies guild had 2 hackers catched and had logs CHECKED and even all guild.
I was/am very aware of suspects and fingers being pointed, and have also taken action myself, by banning 2 players from the guild Prestige.
However, I do not know anything of logs being checked for any member of Prestige, let alone all members.
Care to tell me who your source to this claim is?

Quote from: anaroy50 on January 06, 2015, 06:28:06 PM
I'm asking you commnity to vote if this is fair to me or not.
Though I don't think anyone should ask the community for their opinion about one's ban, since in my opinion, it's only meant to create more, unnessescary drama, I'll give you my opinion on the whole situation.

You abused a glitch which allowed you to clear maps as fast as hackers do.
You got caught and thus banned.
Now, here comes the interesting part.
Hackers are always permanently banned.
You basically hacked, so you basically deserve a permanent ban.
However, I'm so "kind" to put effort in this situation and made it "my case".
I want to know exactly how many games you hacked and what you did exactly, this is why I asked Allie to check your logs for me.
I will decide on your official ban duration based on what Allie tells me.
Quite frankly, I don't understand why you're making such a fuss about this; In my opinion, you should be glad that I go through all this, because to be honest, you hacked, so you should just be permanently banned, no?

I hope this reply is clear for you to understand Aln, and others who are interested in it, and let it be clear that this is in no way, a personal thing between me and you, even though I'm not sure why one would think that.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


Yay for voting. Does this mean i can just spam on bot acc's to make your votes unfair so you stay banned amongst community vote, just like how it was unfair for others for you to think you was smart enough to get away with it by waiting out the time. It's one thing glitching, but another trying to be clever about it and then being caught. But in all honesty this has gone OTT. Can't we just go with the same post we give other people asking why they are banned?

"You're banned. Make a new account." Seems funny though that one would go to all this trouble to help a person who glitches a game to gain advantages, and not help someone who loses items/coins/accounts (i know staff refuse to help people who sell/buy accounts) but honestly it'd be more worthwhile then wasting time on rule breakers.
"Time Heals Almost Everything, Give The Time, Some Time"
IGN: LordBubba / Bubbabear ^^
Member Since: August 08, 2011

Quote"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


I Agree With Aln. im sry max but i think it is personally.
it doesnt matter if the glitch he done is "almost" hacking, cuz its not hacking.
in the rules, glitching is 3days, and it doesnt matter wut glitch it is, or wut it does.
he doesnt used any program, well its glitching and not hacking.
I Think that because aln was in Utopia , and max was very angry that he had a glithcer in his guild, he got perm banned.
i heard that his alt banned too.
if he glitched in his alt well I Agree with max(reapting), but i didnt saw any proofs or topic about his alt Glitching.

IGN : PT Roy(270)/PT Royster(262)
Guild : Prestige/Legion


Quote from: anaroy50 on January 07, 2015, 05:06:20 AM
I Agree With Aln. im sry max but i think it is personally.
it doesnt matter if the glitch he done is "almost" hacking, cuz its not hacking.
in the rules, glitching is 3days, and it doesnt matter wut glitch it is, or wut it does.
he doesnt used any program, well its glitching and not hacking.
I Think that because aln was in Utopia , and max was very angry that he had a glithcer in his guild, he got perm banned.
i heard that his alt banned too.
if he glitched in his alt well I Agree with max(reapting), but i didnt saw any proofs or topic about his alt Glitching.

Max is waiting on proof of the 3 games, wether it be true or not. If it's true = unbanned, false = perm banned.
There is a difference between glitching a little and just abusing. The rule is there, but imagine this powering 100mil xp using the glitch and only getting 3 day ban. To someone who hacks 10 games and gets perm banned? Fair right? nope. So til Max get's the logs checked it's in all right fair til he can match the games with what he thinks should be done. Why you all so impatient, i waited a year got my account back countless times, don't think i've ever been perm banned and it stayed that way.
"Time Heals Almost Everything, Give The Time, Some Time"
IGN: LordBubba / Bubbabear ^^
Member Since: August 08, 2011

Quote"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


Quote from: anaroy50 on January 07, 2015, 05:06:20 AM
I Agree With Aln. im sry max but i think it is personally.
it doesnt matter if the glitch he done is "almost" hacking, cuz its not hacking.
in the rules, glitching is 3days, and it doesnt matter wut glitch it is, or wut it does.
he doesnt used any program, well its glitching and not hacking.
I Think that because aln was in Utopia , and max was very angry that he had a glithcer in his guild, he got perm banned.
i heard that his alt banned too.
if he glitched in his alt well I Agree with max(reapting), but i didnt saw any proofs or topic about his alt Glitching.

I wouldn't even call it glitching. You're changing game files to give yourself a direct advantage over other players. Hacking is 3rd party software giving you a direct advantage over other players. Glitching is exploiting a game mechanic or bug for gain(definitely banworthy)/fun, but fileswapping should be considered the same as hacking imo. If I know the situation correctly (I don't think I do but here's what I know atm) Aln swapped map files to complete the maps faster. That's actually called Hiddenware, not glitching - Hiddenware netted you perm bans in Bots and it's very, very gamebreaking. I would compare Hiddenware to Hacking personally.

Sorry if I'm wrong about it being Hiddenware or not because I'm not familiar with the situation 100%, just noting on what I've heard.
DISCORD killyzkill


January 07, 2015, 05:45:46 AM #10 Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 05:53:07 AM by Godz

That glitching you talk about Roy meant like running into corners and useless stuff like this. (you need to think with your brain on this one)

I'll give you an advice that will follow you for the rest of your life : don't take someone side if you don't know his past.


if it was like that i agree with you.
but ik when he started glitching and he didnt glitches alot.
its depeneds wut u call alot.
kk maybe not 3days banned , but not perm too.
I Think glitch need be change for 4weeks-month banned, cuz u right, 3days is really low time.
but i think he learned his lesson, and i wasnt was friend with him in those few monthes, i think u know that.
max is right to check his logs, but it should not take so long to do that.
I Think that this situation w'ont have a solution till allie will check the logs.
my point is that alot of ppl are glitched and got 3days banned , and only because its aln they make it a big deal, thats all.

IGN : PT Roy(270)/PT Royster(262)
Guild : Prestige/Legion


lol i didnt saw yz+godz posts.
yz , if glitching is same like hacking , well u guys(the admins) need to change the rules.
about godz , i really dont know about his past , and maybe u right, that if i knew it, i was changing my mind about him, but i dont know.
btw sry on double posting

IGN : PT Roy(270)/PT Royster(262)
Guild : Prestige/Legion


January 07, 2015, 05:51:23 AM #13 Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 05:53:26 AM by Yz
No. Other players who exploit gamebreaking glitches are usually banned for a month or more - you won't find a case where they were merely banned for 3 days.

Consistent duping, for example, would get you a longass ban. If Max really did ban Aln just because it was 'personal' then the rest of the staff wouldn't agree with what Max has done so far. But we do agree. We would all do the same or something very similar.

As for this-
Quote from: anaroy50yz , if glitching is same like hacking , well u guys(the admins) need to change the rules.

It's very clear. There is file-editing and harmful glitches that set you well above other players and simple glitches where you glitch to the top of the map in PvP. < That's worth a 3-day ban. Glitching yourself a few million EXP is not a 3-day ban. Nevertheless I'll add some clarity to the rules on glitching, thanks for spotting the oversight. Can ya tell me where it says glitching = 3 day bans? Can't find it.
DISCORD killyzkill


look at standart ban duration.
if the rule is changing to perm banned for glitching , well it was the right thing to do.
I Though glitchers gets 3days ban, if it doesnt right, well i guess ill must to agree with max.
btw , sry for bad grammer in all those posts, my english still very bad  :-\

IGN : PT Roy(270)/PT Royster(262)
Guild : Prestige/Legion

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