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Topics - Bluepatchx

Off Topic / .
March 27, 2018, 01:36:35 PM
GM Bunnii and I formally place our resignations and hereby withdraw from our duties as an Administrator and GM from ZG and associated games.

Needless to say, the past year has been rough. But nothing more so than the prior few months. The acts of crooks and petty individuals alike have caused more harm than good. To this, both Bunnii and I have come to regret the time spent attempting to hold all corners of this game and community together. We witnessed some terrible and blatant acts of in-sighted harm, to which we simply can no longer make a strong enough effort to defend against. To my team, you have been splendid; each of you have gone above and beyond. But even with such dedication, it was never going to be enough to fight this up-hill battle. We tried, and did so with an unrelenting determination. That's good enough for me. To those who stood with us; thank-you, we appreciated your stalwart support. To those who believe they've won; we are sure much will be revealed to you in time.

Unfortunately, unless there is a fix proposed, we feel we can no longer offer support nor any advice to those who seek it within Zylon Gaming. It is with heavy heart that this may well be a confident goodbye, but we hope dearly, that one of you will step up to and heed of the problems at large.

There are solutions to this out there - it is simply a matter of standing up for what is right, not what what has been criminally accepted as the norm.

You know where to find me.

I wish you the best.
Due to a recent rise in players buying and selling accounts (and in-game items) for real-world currencies, we want to remind everyone that Zylon Gaming DOES NOT CONDONE the buying and/or selling of accounts, AND in-game items, for REAL WORLD CURRENCIES. This also includes trading for other game currencies or any non-Zylon Gaming related currency.

If an account is lost due to a real-life transaction, or is scammed off another player due to said transaction, we will NOT offer support on the account recovery and will not take any part in the exchange. This also applies to the buying or selling of items for real-life currencies. Both the buyer and seller will NOT receive any support in future, should they be caught involved with such transactions

Both of these scenarios are in direct violation of in-game Rule 13: No real-world trading.

Thank-you for your time.

Admin Jared
Announcements / Summer BVB Tournament!
August 10, 2017, 11:23:44 AM

Hello everyone, I am delighted to announce that we will be hosting a small BVB tournament before this summer's end. Below are the rules and regulations for this event :)

We hope to get at least 6 teams participating, and are likely to play during a S.E.A time zone, but of course we can try accomdate other time slots if needed. We've sourced out some prizes and hope this will bring back a few of you who've been looking for some good BVB!

Get a team of (at most) 3 players!

It will be an Elimination Tournament. ,

It will be the best of 3 games.

They will be fought in the "Industrobe plains"!

Must follow Equipment list for Items (mercs as well!)

Beat the Staff team (we will be wearing the same armour as you) and you can score an extra 5 points to your tally!

Your team must be checked by an Admin, GM or Mod before the match!

You will need to get specifically Level 151 Armour (it can be +1 to +7)!

DM Guns and II skills and Coin Heads and ANY LGN gear will not be allowed.

Any Transformations, listed merc (Boza, Wazzu, Nimba, Scalper, and  Torret Virus), E.F., Coin Gun, Coin (Non-LGN) Flags, Non-LGN shield and Coin (Non-LGN Wings), and Coin Mini's are permitted are permitted.

Saturday, 26th of August and Saturday 2nd of September,  5pm GMT+9/KST (repeating on 27th if necessary)

Message me if you have any questions!

Sign up or search for teams in the comments :)

Off Topic / Hiatus
August 03, 2017, 04:17:34 PM
Hello Everyone,

It is with heavy heart that I have to make this small announcement, but I will be be taking an extended hiatus from Zylon Gaming, due to a terribly ill-timed and unfortunate chain of events that rapidly took place this evening.  

I've unfortunately lost the support and grace of a key GM in the roster of staff, and feel I can no longer offer assistance or any of my services to community. This particular individual was an integral reason as to why I've stayed so long in ZG (namely the past year and a half), and have actively tried to keep it a float to the best of my abilities. But due to new circumstances arising, I no longer have the vision or ambition to drive the way forward.

I hope this time will give both them and myself time to reflect on what has happened (and to learn) that understanding the consequence of our actions is vital in any attempt at recovery, both for one self, and that of a relationship of any capacity.

I promise that you are all, nevertheless, in good hands. HGM Becca, and Mod Noobz , who I fully trust will ensure activities such as the End-Of-Summer event take place and run as smooth as possible. They have been giving all the tools required to make it happen, and I hope they continue with their current progress.

For those who have me as a contact on Discord/Skype, I will still be using them, however my responses may be limited.

I wish you all the best, and have a wonderful time here with the remaining crew  :)

Admin Jared

I've got a perm DK head if someone's willing to trade for some Virus Legion (Red LGN) pieces. I'm looking for the Red LGN shoulder, Shield and the Flags. My first priority are the flags, so let me know either below or in an inbox about any offers (:
Hello everyone,

This is somewhat late, however I am delighted to announce we have new members of staff joining our roster; HGM Bunnii in Bots (also aGM in BC), and  Mod Noobz (BC). We hope with these new additions to the team, we will be better able in facilitating players across more time zones during the day and across both games. Similarly, we hope the diversity in spoken languages among this team will better equip us to offer assistance in future.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any member of staff in-game, or on the forums.

The GM's are also planning an "End of Summer" event which we aim to run on BC, and Bots if possible. Should everything go to plan, we will post an announcement for this event.

Have a fantastic day.

Admin Jared
Hello everyone,

Mod Applications are now open! We're looking for a new moderator to try help out in-game a bit more :)

Please inbox me your applications, answering the following questions:

1. Bot Name
2. Why would like to moderate for BC?
3. Past Experiences?
4. How often do you play a week
5. Times you play and Time Zone (This is important!)
Normal Server / Buying 1 More Perm Gora Trans
March 10, 2017, 06:10:30 AM
Buying 1 more PERM Gora trans.

Please post your asking price, I'll inbox/reply if there's an offer I can afford!
GFX / Jared's Unofficial Updates
February 16, 2017, 11:24:58 PM
Hi guys,

Feel free to download these files and replace them within your current Boutcheetah folder.  

Most of the updates to come are just textured based, but some may be models too, depending on time and necessity. I will clearly label what everything is in their posts and you are free to ignore the updates as they wont affect game-play.

To update: : Zylon Gaming > BoutCheetah > Data > and drag these two files into the "Models" folder. Replace the existing one and  you're good to go.

Update 1:
Member flags. I've fixed the M on both sides, making one not inverted anymore. I am planning on making a different colour scheme too for the member flag as the purple are green are lackluster in presentation.

Announcements / Account Recoveries
February 10, 2017, 04:38:47 AM
Hello everyone,

I am aware that recently there's been a few people with account issues.

Please leave me a message or reply below and I will offer assistance as soon as possible.

Admin Jared
Off Topic / When Buying Accounts
December 18, 2016, 05:57:48 AM
A gentle reminder to all,

If you are buying an account from a player, you must take caution when sharing personal information.

We do not support the buying or selling of accounts, and any loss of items will be the responsibility of the parties involved.

Should you still wish to make such transactions, please be sure to:
- Change the email on the account you've bought
-  Request a new password after you've purchased the account: just type your username in an incognito tab once on the BC website, and click "Forget your password?"

Passwords can still be reset by the seller, if they've made a password recovery request before selling you the account.
Off Topic / A Final Farewell.
October 24, 2016, 02:46:50 PM
To my friends, family, and my esteemed fellow members of staff,

I feel it is time that I formally say my farewell to this community of players, and all that it has offered to me, over the past two and a bit years. The decision comes with a heavy heart, with much deliberation on the subject, but a happy conclusion.

The journey has been like no other, and I have thoroughly enjoyed every step, detour and challenge I had to face. From finding BC, to becoming an Administrator, it has been both a privilege and an unprecedented experience. To work along side Allie, Kenneth and the rest of the crew can only be described as a tremendous pleasure.

The satisfaction of players for new items, re-inspired me to create, and the support for new ideas from a few have reminded me of the joy in seeing a happy, satisfied player. And so, I am ever thankful to the the community. Unfortunately, sometimes development will hit a wall and bad decisions will be made, and there is not much any party can do to further the progress. I feel I have reached such a stage, and my time within ZG should meet its natural end as well.

Here's to all the great players, and friends I have made throughout my time both playing and working in Zylon Gaming.

I wish you all much success in your lives,

Marketplace / Buying Perm Gora Trans
September 02, 2016, 01:39:02 AM
Trading: General Scourge Perm + White Knight Perm + BlockHead Perm

Inbox me/reply below if you're interested in trading.
GFX / Graphical Assisant for Future updates.
September 02, 2016, 01:17:06 AM
Hello everyone,

As I am sure you've seen, our recent updates have included new armours which were more than just re-skins, and we are excited that we can expand our collection of items further than ever before. However, work such as this does takes time to design, create and ultimately produce, so I am looking to take two people as my assistants.

There are some very talented people in this community, and I am very eager to work by your side and bring forward creative, but more importantly, innovative designs.

If you are interested, and would like to apply, please inbox me with the following information:

- Experience with Graphic Design (Years involved)
- Preferred Software
- A few samples of your work. (The more variety you can show, the better.)
- How I can contact you for further information (skype/email is preferred)

You can link me to your DeviantArts, Tumblrs, or any other platform that you've hosted your work on.

All the best,

Admin Jared
Normal Server / Buying Meto Blade!
August 22, 2016, 09:35:44 AM
Buying Meto Blade

Please leave your price below or in an inbox  :)
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