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Media Team Application Form

Started by Optimism, July 23, 2011, 08:29:03 PM

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Wow, that was the first professional application I've ever seen. only have two posts and I've hardly ever seen you in-game.
You've totally the most qualified, but you've hardly showed your dedication to this game and its community.
I would like for you to show your dedication by doing some stuff for the community before the media staff are chosen.
Make professional videos, help people out, do anything that can benefit this community and gain our trust.
And you will certainly be chosen.


Kk I quit because of you bonzo... You make allie look un professional lol :) jk but ur close


July 24, 2011, 04:11:43 AM #17 Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 04:38:31 AM by Yoshi91
@Bonzo's app.; I just went holy shiz the whole time. But dude! Where'd you just suddenly materialize from??
That was your first post..I still can't believe the whole application itself.
Even if it was fake, it was good. xD loljk Some grammar and spelling errors though.

Anyway, you would be exceptionally qualified for the YouTube position --what's with your whole background. Just need improvement on engaging yourself with the community, just as Allie have said.


July 24, 2011, 05:48:43 AM #18 Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 05:50:21 AM by joeythemoey
Bonzo that was crazy good. Just curious, about how long did that take you? 2 days 1 hour 33 minutes and 42 seconds, or something crazy like that? Your more than capable to manage anything for the Media aspect of the game. You have a great application, and for this being your first post, I am blown away. Good job, prove that you are capable, and you are more than on you way to filling which ever role you wan't, whether that might be managing Youtube or Facebook.

Kthnx, this is just my opinion. XD


Forum name:

Media platform desired:

Why you deserve this platform:
I am regularly on YouTube and I have made YouTube Videos for quite some time now and I know what to do and how to do it.
I am very good at making/editing videos and enjoy producing them as much as watching them.
I always try my best at everything and always will. I never give up and give 100% to everything I do, whether it's editing a video or making a signature.

Other attributes that may be useful for the position applied for:
Like I said, I'm good at making/editing videos and very good with YouTube.

A general history of your time here at Zylon Gaming:
I have been playing for over a month now and I always try to help anyone I can In-game and in the Forums. Like everyone I do make my mistakes
and rage at some things but I always try to prevent that. I am quite good with some Moderators I think and I have a lot of friends in BoutCheetah. and in real life  ;D

After you've read that I'm pretty sure you have a picture in your head of what kind of person I am. Whether it's bad or good,
I hope you consider me for the Media Team.
IGN: Roodi
Level: 150
Guild: none


Quote from: BoutRoodi on July 24, 2011, 10:40:50 AM
Forum name:

Media platform desired:

Why you deserve this platform:
I am regularly on YouTube and I have made YouTube Videos for quite some time now and I know what to do and how to do it.
I am very good at making/editing videos and enjoy producing them as much as watching them.
I always try my best at everything and always will. I never give up and give 100% to everything I do, whether it's editing a video or making a signature.

Other attributes that may be useful for the position applied for:
Like I said, I'm good at making/editing videos and very good with YouTube.

A general history of your time here at Zylon Gaming:
I have been playing for over a month now and I always try to help anyone I can In-game and in the Forums. Like everyone I do make my mistakes
and rage at some things but I always try to prevent that. I am quite good with some Moderators I think and I have a lot of friends in BoutCheetah. and in real life  ;D

After you've read that I'm pretty sure you have a picture in your head of what kind of person I am. Whether it's bad or good,
I hope you consider me for the Media Team.

If bonzo helps the community then he will get youtube ._.
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.


His one it Facebook OR YouTube.
IGN: Roodi
Level: 150
Guild: none


- You haven't seen me in-game!?? dude I play LOTS!
- and about my posts, I'm  not really a Forums person, I just like to play the game, although when I saw this position I knew I wanted it.
- Hm, I might suprise you with something to show i'm dedicated although it could take a couple of days.

Thanks mate, I really appreciate the positive feedback.

- Where'd I just suddenly materialize from?? I've played for a long although it did take a 2-3 month brake and returned a week ago.
- And yes, I shall engage myself with the community more :L the only trouble is every post I do takes AGES.

- Thanks, I try my best
- It took me about 2hours, I spent from 3:30 am to 5:30am (I dont sleep)

@Any GM / Mod
- lots of members luck is currently bugged since the update, my default luck is 300 instead of 500, please fix soon.


They have lowered the ammount of luck for members.
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.


WHAT!?? I bought members yesterday because of the mass amount of luck! well that's a bummer... maybe they might put it back some day, hopefully.


Quote from: BonzoDog on July 24, 2011, 11:08:32 AM
WHAT!?? I bought members yesterday because of the mass amount of luck! well that's a bummer... maybe they might put it back some day, hopefully.
Don't Hope too much :P
Newest one:


Quote from: Princess_Cutie on July 23, 2011, 09:43:53 PM
Forum name: Princess_Cutie

Media platform desired: Facebook

Why you deserve this platform: I deserve this platform because I am on Facebook daily and could benefit Zylon Gaming by updating news and other items of interest. My updating of news and postings would be creative and invoke excitement. I would make the posting fun as well as in informative to the Zylon Gaming Community.

I am mature enough to know what should be posted on Facebook and have a sense of fairness.

Other attributes that may be useful for the position applied for:

- Detailed oriented
- Make my updates creative; invoke excitement
- Like to make the reader want more
- Take really nice screen shots

A general history of your time here at Zylon Gaming: I started out playing Bots until it got shut down. Then moved to Boutcheetah. I'm well known to the community, I'm level 200 currently. I'm in the guild Silence. I've been playing Boutcheetah for about 7-8months. I'm active about 5-7 hours a day. I often help other players.

Dose anyone like mine? lol


aww don't worry yours is fine, you'll get it i'm sure.


Forum name: Pokeh

Media platform desired: Facebook

Why you deserve this platform: Experienced with the social networking site already. Clear cut in instructions and seeing as it's a marketing tool for our website I can try to get quite the new players from FB. The position perhaps concludes of simply updating the status whenever an event/update/downtime occurs, correct? Shouldn't be hard. Activity is the only problem, and I'm regularly on Facebook everyday. Adding the fact that I have to login to another account is not a big deal to me. I have experience dealing with adding and editing media such as screenshots and videos (to a good basic extent) if any content is to be added onto the Facebook page for advertising purposes.

Other attributes that may be useful for the position applied for: I passed English in Grade 5 so automatically I have better grammar than 98% of the people here. As stated earlier I have about 4 years of experience already using Facebook.

A general history of your time here at Zylon Gaming: I started off in Old BC as one of the first 30 people to have a Closed Beta account. Followed later by about 4-5 Months being in BC Staff (Moderator, vGM, and eventually a "GM") so I know what it takes to be in the Staff, and the activity needed to fulfill my job. I later joined BC, having the 6th account made in this server. From here I had occasionally dropped in and out to this point where I'll likely be staying here for quite some time.



i'm currently producing a new trailer for the home page - this is my way of showing that I am dedicated to helping the Zylon Gaming community, it was going to be a suprise but I love you too much to hide it from you all.
Allie said he is wanting 2 staff for facebook & youtube right? is there a way I can get into both? I really want to keep people updated as well as producing media, i really am devoted to facebook as much as youtube.

If I can't get into facebook I just want you to know I would be more than happy to help you on twitter too. (this is because I now have twitter and you are yet to recieve any application forms towards it).

please Allie, I want to be more than just a member. Anyone can be a member, all you do is pay. I want to be something greater than a simple buyer :(

Allie, if you happen to be readng this:
- when are you appointing staff?
- please bring back 500 luck for members, its what made us that extra bit special. thank you again for your time.

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