Quote from: kulvinder on May 19, 2014, 05:16:59 PM
If I am correct Aln used to once own that account but someone changed the pass or he forgot.
It was a really rich account.
This is a really difficult case only Admins with highest power can help you guys.
I guess you need the full story to understand this better;
In the begin when I started I was like 10y/o and I spend really alot real money to this games (I didn't know better..) And i bought loads of stuff and than I met dacky. We became really close friends and went on eachothers account sometimes for fun, so he knew my pass.
He wasn't rich but I gave him some things for free so he wasn't like ''poor''.
We decided to trade eachother accounts, idk why but I liked hes more than mine even dough he wasn't a higher level orso.. but I kept all my items on that account.
I didn't changhe my password because i trusted him & kept all my items on my ''new'' account.
But because of me spending really money with my father's credit he went angry because it was alot money etc.. so I decided to quit for a year, when I came back after that year I tried to log in and the pass was wrong so i contacted darcky trough FB and he said it was hacked.. Actually he took all the items off it and sold the empty account to someone in BC wich I cannot tell the name from.. but hes still active. Thats why he is/was so rich.