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Our last major update was last November

Started by Allie, October 09, 2014, 01:06:45 AM

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October 09, 2014, 01:06:45 AM Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:08:02 AM by Allie
And whats been stopping us from updating is over.
We've come back together to update the game more, and while deciding what we should do, we realized we don't know what you guys want anymore.

This thread is for you to tell us what you want updated. No matter how big or small it is. We'll hopefully be back to doing regular updates starting next month. What you tell us will directly affect what will be updated.

PS, a halloween event is planned as always.

Edited in - we're also looking for things you don't like about the game over on this thread. We're taking all of your feedback seriously.


October 09, 2014, 01:13:00 AM #1 Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 01:47:53 AM by 1337HaxSkill
1. The UI - I know someone tried very hard on this, but it is unacceptable.
I much prefer the original BOTS!! skin. The button font atm is awful, as well as the custom graphics at the beginning of every game.
And so much blue!
Basically every custom UI element was poorly made. Get a designer in here! Must mention I love the BoutCheetah logo at the top right of the lobby though, so keep that.

2. New mesh/bone/models/whatever. We're all tired of these God-awful recolors. Except RT1, it's 10/10.

3. New skills and power-ups.

4. Reduce 8P on raid to 4. I swear, except at peak times, it's harder to start a game than to win it.

5. Increase max lvl to 300 and let both members and non-members reach it, otherwise the situation is way too P2Win. I understand if membership is a big part of profits though.

6. Reduce guild creation price and ALL items in the Special tab of the shop.

7. Events - Wouldn't it be nice if there was a new and exciting event every month? I think it'd get more people to log in.

8. New BvB mode - Nobody plays BvB! I think it would be interesting to see a Base vs. Sector mode--like Survival mode, but you only have to protect your  side and re-spawning is enabled.

9. Custom Flag or Aura - Everyone looks too similar (especially lvl 270s), it would really make BC unique if you could design your own flag or aura, then upload it here, sort of like a MineCraft skin.

Will edit -on phone


dont have time to say a lot cus im at work but yay! this is very good to hear! :D


Quote from: 1337HaxSkill on October 09, 2014, 01:13:00 AM
Dude hello what happened to you.

@Allie: Zealies wanted base "fixed". I personally don't care/play but I guess refer to any post lyfe made in the past year because he was bitching in every one about lack of updates lol


October 09, 2014, 02:13:07 AM #4 Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:15:36 AM by Yz
General Stuff the community has asked for recently, in order of popularity

Guild Alliance
"Allow the two guilds to communicate via guild chat (Your guild's text would be green like usual, and your allies would be red)
Able to see both guild messages (Green/Red again) that the guild leaders set."

I think this would be a great idea to coordinate huge events, that's what I'd personally do anyway - back in the 50 guild member days we could set up multiple leech rooms for randoms with lucky auras or get huge pvp rooms going. It's mostly focused on quality of life for guilds but I think it could help the games activity in the long run, I'm really for this idea.


- Making higher level armors giga items (so people can sell Elektra)
- Gigas Lottery
- Starting Package system for new players / bots
- Merging Different items together (cosmetic change / keep highest stats)
- Mystery box prize item
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: 1337HaxSkill on October 09, 2014, 01:13:00 AM

Responding to each,

1. The ui could use a bit of work, but it's sadly a bit out of reach atm. It is definitely something to think of for the future.

2. New models are close, but still too difficult. Have to remember that we're only two people. Two people with zero modelling experience even if we managed to make a certain way to import models.

3. I agree. We had a thread for this awhile ago, but we couldn't find enough support to go through with it. If you have any suggestions, let us know.

4. Maybe.

5. We cannot normalize levels between members and non-members without reducing our member benefits to near nothing. We've thought of removing membership, but we have too many members (especially ones who paid for permanent) to even consider it. As for increasing level cap, it's definitely something I've been thinking of, but I think 270 might be pretty high, isn't it? I've also been thinking about reducing the levels, so we can increase it more.

6. These are designed as gold sinks.

7. We've wanted to do things like this in the past, but our problem is we simply cannot have too many events or we run out of ideas. It's bad enough we used to have ~5-10 major events a year, we don't have enough ideas to keep doing that. If you have event ideas, feel free to suggest them.

8. Maybe, but it's a lot of work. Remember, we don't have the original source.

9. We've definitely thought of it before, but we don't have servers like minecraft does. It would cause too much lag to let everyone have a custom flag. The closest we can come is possibly, maybe, letting members' profile picture show in a frame next to you when inspected, or something similar.


Quote from: Yz on October 09, 2014, 02:13:07 AM
- Making higher level armors giga items (so people can sell Elektra)
- Gigas Lottery
- Starting Package system for new players / bots
- Merging Different items together (cosmetic change / keep highest stats)
- Mystery box prize item

For the alliance idea, it seems legit, but it wouldn't be something we'd focus on immediately as our playerbase has dwindled quite a bit. Would be a guaranteed addition should the game liven up and guilds become relevant again.

Transmog is something I've always wanted. It'd be incredibly tough though. Maybe sometime in the future.

Mystery box..idunno. Would need more feedback.


Updated into first post, we also want to know what you don't like. Tell us here.


If we're trying to get the game active then I suggest a welcome back gift to players who haven't logged in for 3 months or so. I don't think unbanned players should be able to get these though to encourage good behaviour but doesn't matter in the long run. You could do the welcome back gift two ways.

1) Randomized decent item. Could be gigas, coins, a +5 part within the players level area (would be better if you could sell armor for gigas if we do it this way) 30 day items perhaps? 1 day rare cosmetics?

2) This is the way I think it should be done. Welcome back old players with all the necessities they need to get back into the game.
7 Day Coin Head
7 Day Wings
7 Day Mercenary
7 Day Trans
10x use RB Pack
1 Day Event Flag of some kind?
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on October 09, 2014, 02:31:57 AM
If we're trying to get the game active then I suggest a welcome back gift to players who haven't logged in for 3 months or so. I don't think unbanned players should be able to get these though to encourage good behaviour but doesn't matter in the long run. You could do the welcome back gift two ways.

1) Randomized decent item. Could be gigas, coins, a +5 part within the players level area (would be better if you could sell armor for gigas if we do it this way) 30 day items perhaps? 1 day rare cosmetics?

2) This is the way I think it should be done. Welcome back old players with all the necessities they need to get back into the game.
7 Day Coin Head
7 Day Wings
7 Day Mercenary
7 Day Trans
10x use RB Pack
1 Day Event Flag of some kind?

Me and Kenny have been discussing about that, we're thinking an item (or items) and a free 7day membership.
The 7 day set sounds legit aswell, but I'm unsure on the RB packs, given they're not actually obtainable in-game.


i am back from the dead.  lets make this game fun again!!  8) 8) 8) 8)


I would like if the sections Coming Soon in shop were updated with rares like liger etc...
Also the ingame bug where u can check rankings etc doesnt work
Also with alot of items like Reapers the shapes aren't cut out well
I would love if their was another skin because everyone got so boring of seeing this skin for 2 years


October 09, 2014, 03:10:58 AM #12 Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 03:13:12 AM by medchiller
-The higher level armors being profitable by selling them to the shop is something that a lot of people have been wanting.

-A mode where you get to choose any mob in the game to fight against to practice killing that mob.

-A teamspeak channel or other method of communication ingame.

-Web client

-An increase in member benefits and the quality of them is something that in my eyes is a must.

-Unlikely and probably very hard to do but a way to mod ingame.

-The release of RT3

-Raid having more than just the 8 player mode, having a 4 player and a solo version of raid would be really nice to have. The difficulty wouldn't even really have to be adjusted, it's just the player base is not at a stand point to have many (if any) 8 player rooms.

-Making the community more aware of what is going on (Which is happening now! :D). Many players complain to me that they don't know what updates are planned and I usually don't know either.

-Adding the Zylon shop ingame might encourage more players to buy the items?

-More screen resolution options.

Probably will think of some other things but I think it's great that you two are starting to work on the game again! :)


welcome back santa :D

i think before adding new stuff the current stuff should be fixed first


Even if I wasn't HGM anymore, if you really gave back to the players by doing all this I wouldn't mind using some of my off time to contribute somehow. I'm rooting for you guys  ;D

We have that list of approved, denied, etcSuggestions and we only gave up editing it because we never got any feedback.

aside from that everything med and tricky said was basically on point

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