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Our last major update was last November

Started by Allie, October 09, 2014, 01:06:45 AM

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Quote from: Robocop7ant on October 26, 2014, 07:07:00 PM
people pay for membership cause they get higher lvls to do, and higher lvls on their bot.
they have taken away the coins every week as member, now take away the lvls too?

and making it "insta" lvl 100/200 when you pay for member is dumb.. cause then they just pay for member and "oh , this is so fun"?
being max lvl in 1min..
you wont get the fun of playing the game of making it insta.

the membershop should be for thos who bought higher memberships.
like f.ex: if you buy 1month you can buy 1-2 items from the shop.
3months = 4-5 and so on?
perm member= use it when ever you want to.

Difference between members and non members is easier to see if we have different lvls too.
not just the purple text in lobby.

(more ideas tomorrow, have to go) in a rush.
insta 100=/= lol fun joyride. you're making a huge assumption that leveling is the only thing worth doing in the game.

Membership should be additional bonuses. You can make it where you want 2x exp or option for auto max for those that want to grind and get exp (that way if they lose membership, their level is based off the exp)

Having non members be like 500 levels below membership isn't great. I get that every game has its benefits with a paid option, but it seems overkill if you can't attain the max stats without having to pay. Having membership should make it easier to attain those stats, not give then exclusive rights to them. (these max stats don't include extra stuff like trans coupon or rare transes/coin items...which i'm saying should be in a member-exclusive shop)


Quote from: Allie on October 09, 2014, 02:20:41 AM
Quote from: Yz on October 09, 2014, 02:13:07 AM
- Making higher level armors giga items (so people can sell Elektra)
- Gigas Lottery
- Starting Package system for new players / bots
- Merging Different items together (cosmetic change / keep highest stats)
- Mystery box prize item

For the alliance idea, it seems legit, but it wouldn't be something we'd focus on immediately as our playerbase has dwindled quite a bit. Would be a guaranteed addition should the game liven up and guilds become relevant again.

Transmog is something I've always wanted. It'd be incredibly tough though. Maybe sometime in the future.

Mystery box..idunno. Would need more feedback.
You can remove membership as payment remove level difference between non members and members so everyone can reach max level let  members that has it not keep it with all benefits they get from it except level difference because thats obv pay4win and add something  different from it members that has a day limit on their membership let them keep it until their member expires. And let members that bought it perm keep their perm membership but please remove level difference between non members and members(which might increase playerbase abit) i don't mind if they have 2x/3x exp or let them have abit more stats as long as you remove level difference so non members can reach max level to noone has to complain then


Beat story in under x mins and get a prize.

Omnomnom eating toast.


YouTube complaining about ut being unfair with membership? With the lvl diff..
If same lvl was made for members and non members, why be a members then? I would stop all my payments.
And the lvl isn't the problem in-game atm, it's more about getting the play modes active ;)
And/or come with updates That can make the game fun to play for others too, cause i like how it is.

And nonmembers can get closer to the same dag at members these days ;)
<br />


Quote from: Robocop7ant on October 28, 2014, 06:17:15 AM
YouTube complaining about ut being unfair with membership? With the lvl diff..
If same lvl was made for members and non members, why be a members then? I would stop all my payments.
And the lvl isn't the problem in-game atm, it's more about getting the play modes active ;)
And/or come with updates That can make the game fun to play for others too, cause i like how it is.

And nonmembers can get closer to the same dag at members these days ;)
i didnt understand half the stuff you said but making the game more active involves making it fair for everyone as well. Imo membership benefits are slightly overkill as to how they're presented. Tweaking them fairly while also making it worth to pay for membership is the optimal place to be aiming for.



October 29, 2014, 01:38:22 AM #126 Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 01:41:15 AM by Corr
Simply put people who have memberships and all those OP items stay in sector cause they know they can't beat anyone that's decent in PvP/BvB.


Try making it so that after players have spent a certain amount of time on sector a notice will remind them of how long they've been playing and suggest they do PvP/BvB for a small prize.

Like an hourly PvP event if you get the most bs or if you get the most kills in a 8 man room, or whatever you will a small prize.
Or hourly BvB, either way only one winner and since it's new everyones gonna want it.

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


Quote from: Corr on October 29, 2014, 01:38:22 AM
Simply put people who have memberships and all those OP items stay in sector cause they know they can't beat anyone that's decent in PvP/BvB.


i know you know it as well as i do but i just have to reply to clarify for all else reading it that yeahhh that's completely not right at all but we both got it so it's coo
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Corr on October 29, 2014, 01:38:22 AM

Try making it so that after players have spent a certain amount of time on sector a notice will remind them of how long they've been playing and suggest they do PvP/BvB for a small prize.

Like an hourly PvP event if you get the most bs or if you get the most kills in a 8 man room, or whatever you will a small prize.
Or hourly BvB, either way only one winner and since it's new everyones gonna want it.
yeye thats a good idea
IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


Quote from: Yz on October 29, 2014, 07:04:55 AM
Quote from: Corr on October 29, 2014, 01:38:22 AM
Simply put people who have memberships and all those OP items stay in sector cause they know they can't beat anyone that's decent in PvP/BvB.


i know you know it as well as i do but i just have to reply to clarify for all else reading it that yeahhh that's completely not right at all but we both got it so it's coo
i just trollinnnnn :D

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


Quote from: Corr on October 30, 2014, 12:15:44 AM
Quote from: Yz on October 29, 2014, 07:04:55 AM
Quote from: Corr on October 29, 2014, 01:38:22 AM
Simply put people who have memberships and all those OP items stay in sector cause they know they can't beat anyone that's decent in PvP/BvB.


i know you know it as well as i do but i just have to reply to clarify for all else reading it that yeahhh that's completely not right at all but we both got it so it's coo
i just trollinnnnn :D

gotchu whole tiem
DISCORD killyzkill


Really late, but i would like to see

1.) Fix the raid bugs, especially in 235.
2.) Add new sector, pvp, and bvb levels that aren't re-colored if possible.
3.) Add rt3 into the game, this will give players a chance to be able to have an easier time on 266.
4.) Add a new armor that is higher than elektra, not re-colored.
5.) Maybe new ef/guns available in the shop via coins?
6.) Fixing the current staff would be nice.
7.) A new font while typing in chat?
8.) Updates every here and there to fix bugs and keep players busy.
9.) Maybe a raise in the level cap for members and non members?



Quote from: trashburmy on November 26, 2014, 12:41:04 AM
7.) A new font while typing in chat?
You can select a different font by going into the settings on the launcher.
Quote from: Materger
I am now an Oreos fan!
Quote from: Allie
Oreos was a failed project.


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