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How you think BC can be improved

Started by Yz, September 10, 2010, 07:24:40 AM

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i find it annoying though when I try to say something and end up having to constantly segment it which wastes time but this is only in-game
< by surgeypurgey


eliminate the membership and let people get to highest lv, but coins won't be won from games anymore...its unfair...cant pvp with my friends because they r high lv and I cant reach them... :(


i like the idea but keep the coins it was always annoying to be vsing a player in bots who had everything including coin items and was always kind of jelous so keep coins as is but change the membership thing I hate that after all my effort i will be stopped at lvl 150
< by surgeypurgey


Quote from: lugiaXDG009 on September 12, 2010, 08:20:56 AM
i like the idea but keep the coins it was always annoying to be vsing a player in bots who had everything including coin items and was always kind of jelous so keep coins as is but change the membership thing I hate that after all my effort i will be stopped at lvl 150
no, support Zylon by buying coins...in BOTS, pretty much players bought coins...


Quote from: Sainomi on September 12, 2010, 04:40:36 PM
Lower minimun max level. nah
Add S2 Mercs Were tired of the old ones. ya
More pvp maps. ya
HD Screenshot. pirate fraps
Bring Bots Font back New one is too wack. ya
Make boss levels were you only fight bosses. ya
Do s2 drops.ya
Add a price guide.. Buying 5+ Is too easy.....ya
Lower box rate.ya
Put Higher Coin rate.no
And myabe We could add elite armor lil more powerful then 5+ not to much.never
Color Change. idk?

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


This will sound stupid, too, but why not make it so that people with membership items can only play in pvp/bvb rooms only with people who also have membership items? 0.o


Quote from: Str8F335h on September 12, 2010, 05:23:07 PM
This will sound stupid, too, but why not make it so that people with membership items can only play in pvp/bvb rooms only with people who also have membership items? 0.o
msn plz

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


what about make that like you buy coins with sending a message from you cellphone?
and make money out of that ;) to keep the game alive xD (if the member goes away or some)

or pay member for 7days on phone... not much but keeping it alive xD
<br />


Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


<br />


Quote from: kulvinder on September 14, 2010, 06:46:56 AM
Anyone remembers that all boss gives one rb when its killed  :'(

Now that I miss.

I agree with eliminating membership, well, not so much 'eliminating it'. I'm just against the rule that only members can get to level 200. If Zylon wants to make money, they should find a way that is convincing but also doesn't ruin the game play.


Quote from: kev453 on September 14, 2010, 09:13:03 AM
Now that I miss.

I agree with eliminating membership, well, not so much 'eliminating it'. I'm just against the rule that only members can get to level 200. If Zylon wants to make money, they should find a way that is convincing but also doesn't ruin the game play.

Same, the rb at end let every one have a victory run around for winning ;]


They should replace something to buy instead of members true.
Maybe You can buy unreleased items or something.
or maybe pay money to update the game to put a mod.


Quote from: Sainomi on September 14, 2010, 05:24:36 PM
They should replace something to buy instead of members true.
Maybe You can buy unreleased items or something.
or maybe pay money to update the game to put a mod.

Maybe You can buy unreleased items or something.
or maybe pay money to update the game to put a mod.

That is a horrible idea. any hacker will slip in a virus for updating. mod is earned and should stay like that.

there is a reason unreleased items are unreleased.

( ~.~)   This is a bunny. He will rule the world!!! (With me ofc)


Quote from: Connor on September 14, 2010, 06:29:18 PM
Maybe You can buy unreleased items or something.
or maybe pay money to update the game to put a mod.

That is a horrible idea. any hacker will slip in a virus for updating. mod is earned and should stay like that.

there is a reason unreleased items are unreleased.
I can tell that i know who allie trusts and i think nobody would dare.

So? All of them weren't made from zylon were tired of the old ones anyways >_>'

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