what's wrong with you two (z/asmit) we get it, you dont like the game, but it's gotten plenty of updates that have always been suggested and shot down as 'impossible'.
survival. it's a new game mode.
interface. idc if it doesn't wanna make you play, because everyone always said you needed the source code to add buttons.
and i know what's being done with the factions update, and we'll let you guys know a little later what's being done with it but when you all know you guys probly won't believe half of the features are even possible. it's not just factions, it's a huge plan. let's leave it at that
as for what i'd do if i really could do anything i wanted, i'd do a rebalance of the bots asap. lower surge speed, up patch damage out of trans/up patch td by a pinch/up patch hp, and idk where the ram is lacking exactly but it needs to be buffed in its out of trans state very slightly.