Reviving pvp/bvb that's all i've seen/heard for several or more months. Yet i don't see much change if any been done, and if changes have been done it hasn't taken any impact on it at all, people like to gain something from gaming now days rather than play for fun. They like competitiveness. Yet bvb/pvp gives no rank, no rewards nothing. It's just there and you can just get a big ego and boost i'm the best, i won this, i won that look at me, and then they talk down on other players saying "Come bvb/pvp, scared?" "your so scared" "Wimp" "you just don't want to play cause you suck" Not the right attitude to get more people into playing, more like directing others away from it and playing sector, why? Sector has rewards, it has ranks people play to grind guildpoints to become #1. Gaining prize's. The event for bcv2 e.f was good, needs more friendlier attitudes towards players. If i remember correctly last year/year before Selene posted a topic about a player who left due to bad attitude and the way they where treated, and how he just didn't enjoy the game because of it.
Pvp/Bvb needs a balance, and wipe and maybe some sort of leaderboards where games can't be farmed/booster to get their exp. However, i can't really give much input towards updates as in all honesty i have none at the moment. I'll post/edit some later if i think of any in my sleep.
On the staff side of things i'm not sure what could help to improve this, but like i said i'm just picking out little things i see. Since someone asked
@Mat - I think it should be a mixture, rather than choosing one or two of one type of person pick a different side of things. It's always nice when you got people who can look at things from different angles/perspectives. You try to do things alone you may do it, it may take you a while. You have someone with you, together you can work through it quicker
. I would find a smart quote but too tired............