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Concept : Guild Wipe #2, we need your inputs.

Started by Yz, November 04, 2015, 09:13:33 AM

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Guild Wipe or No Guild Wipe?

Guild Wipe
117 (52%)
Don't Guild Wipe
108 (48%)

Total Members Voted: 225


Any estimation on when the guild wipe will be happening?


Quote from: Mario666 on November 06, 2015, 04:12:48 AM
Any estimation on when the guild wipe will be happening?

We have not confirmed it's happening at all, it's depending on feedback.


Quote from: Yz on November 06, 2015, 04:01:24 AM
Don't worry, I have a few ideas in mind to keep it from stagnating again.

I voted yes for the sake of seeing your ideas "to keep it from stagnating again." The first guild wipe out wiped out my fans some players who logged on simply to grind GPs for the guild they were loyal to. From there, I joined ZeaL until base became boring on the same map, Disdain for admin favors and the sake of not being banned by Dannii the jokes, and Utopia for free memberships and cheap TCs the GP race that I won first place and reached 10 million GPs in by leeching.

I've never been a competitive player except when it came to wealthy rankings. I just happen to be on most of the front pages. I'm bored enough that I'd like to see myself in the rank 6 guild AGAIN that becomes erased and placed on a second Hall of Fame or something (nice guild name by the way; sounds like a YGO card).

My premise is that brushing the teeth of the game again won't prevent cavities, but I'd like to see the plaque form again to make more jokes.
I do not have a signature.


November 07, 2015, 02:16:33 AM #63 Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 02:18:46 AM by Pokeh
imo resetting won't get everyone to come back. you're implying that guilds=competition. people didn't leave the game because it was hard to rank guilds (at least not the peeps i've spoke to). people left because of other things related to the meta of the game itself (and some probably moved on to other things)

I'd say 'yah good idea'. Which it is, but it won't get you the results you're looking for (people coming back)

...unless we do a hard reset for all accounts as well as guilds, and give some sort of advantage to members that won't make the game as unbalanced/unfair, while also giving them a little boost for supporting bc. I'd also revamp the level system all together and shit, but that seems like a major overhaul and idk if kellie want to let go of what they've done over the years

just my 2cents, change can go in the tip jar~


Quote from: Pokeh on November 07, 2015, 02:16:33 AM
imo resetting won't get everyone to come back. you're implying that guilds=competition. people didn't leave the game because it was hard to rank guilds (at least not the peeps i've spoke to). people left because of other things related to the meta of the game itself (and some probably moved on to other things)

I'd say 'yah good idea'. Which it is, but it won't get you the results you're looking for (people coming back)

...unless we do a hard reset for all accounts as well as guilds, and give some sort of advantage to members that won't make the game as unbalanced/unfair, while also giving them a little boost for supporting bc. I'd also revamp the level system all together and shit, but that seems like a major overhaul and idk if kellie want to let go of what they've done over the years

just my 2cents, change can go in the tip jar~

Agreed completely, but it's not so much Kellie being unwilling - we just know everyone else will quit if we reset the whole game lol.
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on November 07, 2015, 02:24:37 AM
Quote from: Pokeh on November 07, 2015, 02:16:33 AM
imo resetting won't get everyone to come back. you're implying that guilds=competition. people didn't leave the game because it was hard to rank guilds (at least not the peeps i've spoke to). people left because of other things related to the meta of the game itself (and some probably moved on to other things)

I'd say 'yah good idea'. Which it is, but it won't get you the results you're looking for (people coming back)

...unless we do a hard reset for all accounts as well as guilds, and give some sort of advantage to members that won't make the game as unbalanced/unfair, while also giving them a little boost for supporting bc. I'd also revamp the level system all together and shit, but that seems like a major overhaul and idk if kellie want to let go of what they've done over the years

just my 2cents, change can go in the tip jar~

Agreed completely, but it's not so much Kellie being unwilling - we just know everyone else will quit if we reset the whole game lol.
i can see why people would if you legit grinded until lv 367 or w/e ridiculous number the current max level is. I think same would apply for this gp wipe though. Many koreans would feel ripped off and stuff about it too (idk anything about the current active playerbase).

Then there's a whole nother issue with rare items that have been bought and stuff. I can brainstorm a lot of ways to counteract some of these things (like guild flags for top guilds, allowing people to "cash in" rare items for zylon coins that they can then use in the new reset game, etc.)

If staff are on-board and the general consensus is leaning towards it, I wouldn't be happier to see the max level be 100 again and basically revert to how bots was, but with the additional edited maps and items that have been added (adjusting those stats to make them relative to the new dynamics as well). The game could then grow once again from the 100 cap, without overdoing it with the shitty item mods and ridiculous stats (such as member flags, wearable at lv 1 last I checked)

it's a gamble and would require a good plan and community support to execute, but i don't see why it can't happen


November 07, 2015, 03:42:10 AM #66 Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 03:45:18 AM by Corr
I wonder who thought of the first guild wipe? lmao

It worked for a couple of months, almost a full year, people came back, shit was fun, and lol's were born. Yea, the guilds that were mentioned were actually just sub-guilds (ZeaL/Lil Optis, Utopia/Redemption, Korean/Chinese). It'd be cool again but I cbf bringing back the old crew since everyone is basically gone. My guild never competed for sector gp and it's the mantra now, PvP and BvB were the shit and no incentives were made for it evvvvvvvvver, (Those two PvP events were cool but it's gotta have unique rewards, ie. badges, 30 min exp bonus, exclusive items for participating or winning obviously non tradeable) None of those can't change cause it would require work plus the whole bots balance is been done, plus BvB has never been fixed and probably won't.)

Have a guild wipe, make 7 mem's for one guild, have daily accomplishments/events or runs (do fkin lv 1 in 5 seconds who knows). Add PvP/BvB weekly accomplishments that can be farmable for the easy ones but extremely difficult for certain ones (kill player in heatsink within 3 seconds (This is a luck shit cause you'll spawn in diff places so as soon as game starts ya fked unless you can figure something out), Seperate sector exp with PvP/BvB exp first, make it so that you can't do one without accomplishing your goal for the other.
I say yes, I'm probably not gonna play unless shit is actually fixed and game is basically active with 60+ members on at least 1x a week. But, for all this too work ya gonna have to take big steps without learning how to walk, and those steps start with the jolly man in red and his main bae. Good luck!
P.S - Please don't take ZeaL name. :(
Back of the head thought, make it like Destiny. HAHAHAHA

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


the (former) elite players of this game don't even care about guild rank

this update won't bring back competition since gp wasn't the reason elite players were leaving


Quote from: aimiyonde on November 08, 2015, 06:53:52 PM
To be quite frank, this will only work in the long run if the idea is supplemented

My ideas for supplements:

1) Hold guild tournaments every week or month in which the top three guilds are awarded with some sort of prize that doesn't ruin the B.C. economy... Exampe: Hold a chart... 1st guild 1st place in points = 100m gigas. 1st guild 2nd place in points = 50m gigas. 1st guild 3rd place in points = 25m gigas... rest of members = 5m gigas... 2nd guild 1st place in points = 50m gigas... 2nd guild 2nd place in points = 25m gigas... 2nd guild 3rd place in points = 12.5m gigas... rest of members = 2.5m gigas... and so on..... WIPE POINTS AFTER, and repeat...

2)Why shouldn't we be able to branch off of just guild sector points? Aside from guild tournaments, hold base and pvp faction wars based on guild base points and guild pvp points. I suggest the rewards be the exact same so we can promote bvb and pvp... same exact fashion as the guild tournaments...

3)Why not reward the player who gets the most points for the week/month with a (very) rare? This won't have a specific category of base pvp sector, just the person who has accumulated the most guild points within the week/month overall... Hold this reward for just 1 person, as to not ruin the economy. For second place/third place players, just give them a nice prize of gigas/coins+ a not so rare item, 2nd place 100m + a not so rare item, third place 75m+ a not so rare item and some amount of coins for each.

(I suggest making this monthly, if weekly, just lower the amount of rewards)

In the end, people need an incentive to play... If you wipe the guild points without any revitalization, you'll just ruin the game. If you can get a team together to do some work on the way things are, it'll be much better than just wiping the guild points for an intended reason that won't show any results. If you pull through with this, and a revitalization idea of any sorts, people WILL return and there WILL be more competition.

You might say you're already doing this in the pvp section, but think about it, only a few players are that good at pvp to win... it's just the same players that will win every time... bvb and pvp faction wars spread the rewards out a little, giving everyone, not just some pro pvpers the incentive to play...

Lastly... You give out a permanent membership to a top pvper every month, so i don't think a rare every month to a top grinder is a bad idea....

I think I can pretty much confirm that "any" sort of rewards systems is not a good idea, at all.The game economy is already broken enough. The community thank you for the suggestion though.


Quote from: aimiyonde on November 08, 2015, 08:32:38 PM

I think I can pretty much confirm that "any" sort of rewards systems is not a good idea, at all.The game economy is already broken enough. The community thank you for the suggestion though.

You're not the whole community. You say you vote yes, but disagree with a reward system after everyone's guild points is wiped? Makes no sense. How do you expect anything to change if there's no incentive to play? Competition doesn't exist without rewards. People compete for top spot because there's something that comes with it... Utopia's members and guilds alike competed for high points because of the rewards given... What you say makes no sense. Let's just wipe guild points without giving any sort of reward system... okay, good luck with 1/3 of the already measly playerbase quitting, lol.

Oh that's some kind of bad interpretation. Maybe, badges or things that wont make the economy going even further down but gigas is a nono option. Rewards are already made by Guild Leader and so is the competitions. Beside you don't play "just" for rewards or competitions, above everything you play to have fun.  And about the actual player base you're talking about, I say maybe its a good thing because everyone that's been here for a lil while have gotten enough of this game with or with out updates.


Quote from: aimiyonde on November 08, 2015, 08:32:38 PM
You're suggesting a rich get richer standpoint, with some added "badges" that quite frankly, is just an excuse to say you've re-vitalized anything. Yeah, you don't play 'just" for rewards or competitions, but they're a big part in keeping incentive. You can talk about the economy being messed up, but you fail to realize that the majority that still play have accrued massive amounts of wealth in their play-time, which is why it seems "messed up". People who already had wealth continue to play... people who don't are left behind and quit. The rich staying, and the poor leaving is what you're seeing... not a messed up economy.

Actually, a tons of players quit and gave away bunch of rares and money but that's not just why its that messed up. Since the majority of the community have already quit there's only a few people left to give your fortune to so that's why you think the richer stay and the poor leave but in fact its because of the lack of "FUN" so players quit and then give away their shits and at the end everyone's getting richer and richer.If you want bigger in game value at the moment you have to either get your ass in a "good" guild and enjoy the huge rewards(earned with playtime),or wait for events. You could also do some trades and get richer but there's not enough players for that anymore.And we don't talk about real life money here but anyways there is already too much ways to get yourself a fortune and a lack of ways to spend it so if the game implant some kind of rewards systems the economy will just go even further down and that's one of the biggest problem here. If there were more ways to spend your money, I'd say maybe that's a good idea but its not the case.

Quote from: aimiyonde on November 08, 2015, 08:32:38 PM
You fail to understand that rewards can only be made available by those who already have a one-up in the game. As a new player trying to start a guild, you'll have no reward system, aka lesser guild, aka no incentive, aka drop out of the competition. Your mindset is the mindset that caused the two wipes: top guilds growing stronger and stronger  while lesser guilds are left out, aka no competition. My suggestion entails there be some sort of incentive even for the lesser guilds, there'd be a way to win something.

I would like to hear a better idea for the "lesser" guilds,however this is completely normal. Some people are richer and some are poorer that's life.


Pumping the game full of gigas, OP items and coins is not the way to get players to stay. They just leave. If there was a monthly reward system (which I don't think is a bad idea) it shouldn't be something tradeable. Instead i would suggest it should be an item that everyone would want to always have but could only have if their guild gets the most guild points. if the points reset after a month it would give almost any guild an equal chance to get the item. Also the item would be removed at the end of the month (unless they won again) to encourage them to keep trying to get it back. I'm unsure of the item I suggested the Guild flag before but reapers are the same as those so they are just for aesthetics. Maybe an aesthetically pleasing item is the way to go. 



Quote from: medchiller on November 08, 2015, 11:41:39 PM
Pumping the game full of gigas, OP items and coins is not the way to get players to stay. They just leave. If there was a monthly reward system (which I don't think is a bad idea) it shouldn't be something tradeable. Instead i would suggest it should be an item that everyone would want to always have but could only have if their guild gets the most guild points. if the points reset after a month it would give almost any guild an equal chance to get the item. Also the item would be removed at the end of the month (unless they won again) to encourage them to keep trying to get it back. I'm unsure of the item I suggested the Guild flag before but reapers are the same as those so they are just for aesthetics. Maybe an aesthetically pleasing item is the way to go. 


Agreed.No gigas or new OP items being added monthly or weekly as rewards, that wouldnt be healthy, an item to brag and with cool look is the way to go. Smth similar could also be used to incentive bvb and pvp.
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

(click to show/hide)


Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but if the wipe does go through, why not try an arpg-style ladder system w/ guilds.

Every month/quarter the ladder resets, prizes are given out, leader boards reset, and it begins anew. You could always spice up the prizes too. **** that would be something that might actually get me to play again lol.

(to clarify i'm not saying to reset characters as a general arpg league would do -- simply the guilds)

^**** im special xd


Quote from: Purple on November 09, 2015, 01:15:36 AM
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but if the wipe does go through, why not try an arpg-style ladder system w/ guilds.

Every month/quarter the ladder resets, prizes are given out, leader boards reset, and it begins anew. You could always spice up the prizes too. **** that would be something that might actually get me to play again lol.

(to clarify i'm not saying to reset characters as a general arpg league would do -- simply the guilds)

was thinking of this sort of system, yeah

Quote from: LightRequiem on November 08, 2015, 06:46:10 PM
the (former) elite players of this game don't even care about guild rank

this update won't bring back competition since gp wasn't the reason elite players were leaving

You guys make up like 5% of the entire old playerbase =/
DISCORD killyzkill

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