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Topics - Santa

Spam / I must be a psychic
April 17, 2012, 06:26:32 PM

Off Topic / LOL @ evo
April 07, 2012, 12:57:51 PM
Server finally gets put back up after like 7-8 days down.
Channel UDP Server crashes 3 hours later (Meaning noone can connect, if it was not bad enough there right)
Wonder how long it takes for them to reboot.
Off Topic / Come place a bet
April 02, 2012, 09:29:16 PM
How long will it take for Bout Evolution to crumble?

My guess is: 1 month 3 days 3 hours and 38 minutes.

Winner gets to chose whether or not we revive Bout Evolution without their players/characters.

Updates / The new launcher has been released
March 31, 2012, 02:00:14 AM
After many weeks of hard work, we have finally finished the launcher.  Please report any issues/problems in this thread.

A few features this launcher is able to do:
1.) Change the font in-game.
2.) Change between full screen and windowed.
3.) Change resolutions (If you have the resolution beta installed)
4.) Fix any corrupt or missing files automatically.
5.) A repair button in the settings panel will do a very thorough search of every file in the client for errors. By doing this, you will lose any modifications that you have done though (So back up first).

Meteor (Winner of the design contest)
Cory     (Progress bar Design)
Matt      (Part of the coding)
Allie      (Part of the coding)
Me         (Part of the coding)

Thank you everyone for your hard work,
It seems someone has created another phishing website to try and hack more accounts.  If you sign up to other websites, please use a different password.  This notice will be removed once I am able to gain access of the new phishing website.

Spam / lol @ my call with paypal
March 13, 2012, 12:33:06 AM
It was about a dispute from someone for $12.50.  I ended up losing the dispute automatically for some reason, so I called them and asked why..

Here is a general log of what took place:

*PayPal Support Mean Black Guy - Thank you for calling PayPal.  May I have your first and last name?
*Me - Kenneth Bullock
*PayPal support mean black guy - Thanks Kenneth, how may I help you today?
*Me - Someone named Amy ***** disputed a transaction for 12.50, which was a 3 month membership subscription for the game we run.
*PayPal support mean black guy - That's the reason why it was automatically reversed, PayPal does not cover digital goods.  We only cover physical goods, that have the proper shipment information.
*Me - So... I've never had a dispute where I did not get to enter my feedback.
*PayPal support mean black guy - That's because this was a bank reversal, and the bank said the buyer's account was closed before the date of this transaction.
*Me - So why Did it show Completed on the day of the transaction?!?!?!?!
*PayPal support mean black guy - Hang on, let me check that out - (puts me on hold for 30 minutes)
*Me - La Lalalalala la la la la la crappy elevator music
*PayPal support mean black guy - Sorry for the wait Kenneth, this must have been a PayPal error, as we were unable to find the reason why it showed completed.
*Me - So doesn't that mean I am covered then, because under your Terms of Service, it states any transaction errors that happen before a dispute is filed by the bank or customer, PayPal will not take the money from your account.
*PayPal support mean black guy - Let me check that out (hold for 10 minutes)
*Me - La lalalalalalalallaalalallalala crappy elevator music
*PayPal support mean black guy - Let me transfer you to a dispute specialist regarding this issue.
*Me - Okay, thank you for your wonderful support (with obvious sarcasm in the tone)
*PayPal support nice lady - Hello Kenneth, what are you calling about today (SHE DID NOT KNOW SHIT ABOUT WHAT I TOLD BLACK GUY SO FAR)
*Me - (in a sad voice) I explained to the lady how hard it is trying to collect money from a website with the amount of disputes we have to go through.
*PayPal support nice lady - I completely understand, I can see the amount of disputes you have had in the past year.
*PayPal support nice lady - I can however offer you a one time complimentary reversal on PayPal's decision, which will add the $12.50 back into your account.
*Me - (in a shocked voice) Really?  No-one has ever offered me that type of resolution.
*PayPal support nice lady - You are very welcome, have a nice day. (phone call ends)
Spam / lol @ my call with bright house
March 12, 2012, 04:57:03 PM
Steve: Thank you for calling bright house networks.  How may I help you?
Me: Hello Steve, I have a problem with my IP Address...
Steve: What type of problem are you experiencing?
Me: My IP Address does not resolve to a Host Name.
Steve: That is not a issue though, IP Addresses do not need to resolve to a host name.
Me: They do if you want to use certain ports that require your IP Address to have a host name.
Steve: Okay... (hes getting kinda mad at this point i think)
Me: Is there anyway you can change my IP Address?
Steve: No, that will not be possible as they are directly linked to your modem that is assigned to your home/
Me: Okay then, can you send someone to replace the modem that is at my house?
Steve: We are not able to do that unless something is wrong with your modem.
Me: Okay be right back... (Throws the modem against the wall 3 times)
Me: Okay, I just accidentally dropped it.  I need it to be replaced so I can access the internet again.
Steve: You do realize you will have to pay for the modem if anything is damaged on it right?
Me: Under your Terms of Service, if I break your equipment on accident, I am not liable for the damages, and you must replace it asap.
Steve: Alright, I will schedule someone to bring a new modem to your house tomorrow at 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM, is that fine?
Me: Yes.
Steve: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Me: Apparently not.

(Phone hangs up).
Updates / Good news for a change
March 11, 2012, 12:38:30 AM
We at Zylon Gaming have reached out to the antivirus companies about the issue they are having with our game client.  Many have responded back with something like "We have resolved the issue on our end, and this will not continue to happen any longer".  This means, only some antiviruses will detect BoutCheetah as a virus, instead of nearly everyone.  The following three antiviruses are the only ones we have yet to hear a response back from: Emsisoft Anti-Malware, IKARUS Security Software, and VBA32 Antivirus.  That means our player count will slowly start to rise back up as the main ones that people have used "Norton, Avira, Bit Defender" have released a update to prevent this from happening.  You no longer have to worry about adding the client to the exception list.

Spam / lol @ this failure part 3
March 07, 2012, 05:54:07 PM
Valentin El Allam says
i have a vpn so idc about ur ip ban : nice ip
Kenneth Bullock says
thats the dedicated servers ip address
you can find my ip address by packet sniffing our convo on msn
since it is p2p
Valentin El Allam says
but i dont want ur ip lol
Kenneth Bullock says
you can simply ddos
if you'd like
any other ip we have on the hub
Valentin El Allam says
yes but its same than the ip
Kenneth Bullock says
the ips are different
ping them to find out
Valentin El Allam says
Kenneth Bullock says
also if you try ddosing from your home
your isp provider will probably cancel your services
since you are eating their bandwidth up
Valentin El Allam says
iam not at home so idc
Kenneth Bullock says
then you should be fine
i suppose
Valentin El Allam says
iam using botnet
with friend
Kenneth Bullock says
lemme know if you succeed ddosing it
Valentin El Allam says
ok iam spamming again port 80 with Tcp metod with TheVava Hack programm
Kenneth Bullock says
still loading perfectly
Valentin El Allam says
ok opening more
Kenneth Bullock says
opening 100 ddos programs on one computer
will not do anything
Valentin El Allam says
i have many comp
Kenneth Bullock says
as you are already using the allotted bandwidth your isp provider gives you
that wont matter
Valentin El Allam says
i never say i will open more on 1 comp
Kenneth Bullock says
if you are on the same network
then it will still use your bandwidth
as you ddos
Valentin El Allam says
i have 5 vpn
iam not on the same
Kenneth Bullock says
vpn does not matter
your ip will still route through the vpn first
with every request
meaning you are doing damage to the vpn and your own bandwidth
most vpn's usually cap the amount of packets/second too
so you'd be lucky to hit 400kb/sec
from each vpn
Valentin El Allam says
Hotspot shield vpn sucks
Kenneth Bullock says
every free vpn sucks
unless you buy one
and pay per month
Valentin El Allam says
Kenneth Bullock says
to allow unlimited bandwidth
Valentin El Allam says
i have 1
Kenneth Bullock says
1 will not help though
like i said
you will need 300+ computers
to slow down our dedicated server
Valentin El Allam says
Kenneth Bullock says
its on a 1 gb/sec port
so unless you can generate 1gb of bandwith incoming
you will fail to slow down anything
Valentin El Allam says
i have another method
ik it will work lol
ok brb
i think tomorrow it will be closed
Spam / lol @ this failure part 2
March 07, 2012, 05:41:27 PM
Valentin El Allam says
Still DDosing ur webiste
You are a noob

Kenneth Bullock says
the website is called boutcheetah.zylongaming.com
Valentin El Allam says
Hacking my comp lets do it
Kenneth Bullock says
ddosing boutcheetah.com will do nothing
Valentin El Allam says
Kenneth Bullock says
because its not pointed to our nameservers
Valentin El Allam says
thx for the link
i will update it
Kenneth Bullock says
Spam / lol @ this failure
March 06, 2012, 03:21:51 PM
Valentin El Allam says
I will DDos ur website
Kenneth Bullock says
Valentin El Allam says
because u banned me for nothing
Kenneth Bullock says
who are u
Valentin El Allam says
Kenneth Bullock says
Valentin El Allam says
Kenneth Bullock says
k ddos away
Valentin El Allam says
Kenneth Bullock says
lemme know if u succeed
Valentin El Allam says
i did small Ddos atack
Kenneth Bullock says
Valentin El Allam says
on your site
its was me
Kenneth Bullock says
didnt seem to affect anything
try a larger one
Valentin El Allam says
u ip bann me
on forum
and game
u said i gave item to someone
ok brbr
Kenneth Bullock says
Valentin El Allam says
Do u prefer UDp or TCP?
or Http?

Kenneth Bullock says
wut u mean
which udp port and which tcp port
the webserver is tcp
so if your going to do a adequate ddos you will need to ddos tcp port 80
Valentin El Allam says
dont need
Kenneth Bullock says
you will probably need around 300 computers
Valentin El Allam says
no lol
Kenneth Bullock says
to get our site to slow down
unless your on a 10/1000 connection
Valentin El Allam says
i can open 300 programm who will 300 time Spam ur site
i have 4 pc
last time spamed for 5 min lol
40 000 request
500 000 now
ok i spammed tcp port 80
with 10 Threads
Kenneth Bullock says
still operating normal
like i said the only way you can do damage is with 300+ computers
that have broadband+
Valentin El Allam says
Np i will say to my friend
Kenneth Bullock says
the best way to ddos a website is using a botnet
which isnt too hard to make if you know how to code
Valentin El Allam says
i know lol
c++/c# sql vb.net ti-basic asm
java EE
and c
Kenneth Bullock says
Valentin El Allam says
and Unity 3.5 a little
Kenneth Bullock says
then you should be able to develop a decent tool to ddos with
as long as you have plentiful bandwidth to use
Valentin El Allam says
i will
Kenneth Bullock says
lolk bored
probly gunna go to sleep
Valentin El Allam says
i should make a phisher
to hack all player
then send a virus packet
to the server
its a nice idea
Alvin: Hi, my name is Alvin. How may I help you?
kenneth bullock: hello, i keep trying to finish this question
kenneth bullock: but everytime
kenneth bullock: it shows i have a incorrect answer
kenneth bullock: and when it shows
kenneth bullock: correct answer
kenneth bullock: its the exact same
kenneth bullock: as the one i entered
kenneth bullock: lmao
kenneth bullock: i told my instructor about the problem
kenneth bullock: he said he cant fix it
Alvin: I apologize for the difficulty you have experienced while accessing the test
kenneth bullock: test?
kenneth bullock: its homework
Alvin: Kenneth, I realize your concern but If you believe that your homework is not scoring correctly, please contact your instructor for further assistance.
kenneth bullock: yes alvin, i did
kenneth bullock: but he said
kenneth bullock: he cannot fix it
kenneth bullock: so i came back here
Alvin: Your homework files have been created and are managed by your instructor. Therefore, only your instructor can alter or re-set homework grade.
kenneth bullock: well its from your system
kenneth bullock: and my instructor said
kenneth bullock: he cannot fix it
kenneth bullock: and i paid money for this
kenneth bullock: so im mad
kenneth bullock: im tired of getting low scores
kenneth bullock: because you cant fix it
kenneth bullock: everytime i come in here i get the same answer
kenneth bullock: contact your instructor
kenneth bullock: but he does not fix it
kenneth bullock: i keep trying
Alvin: I know this is frustrating but your instructor have to make the change to the grades for the incorrect answer which you have received in the assignment.
Alvin: Pearson 24/7 Technical Support is prohibited from making any changes to an  instructor's course assignments .
kenneth bullock: okay but
kenneth bullock: answer this
kenneth bullock: how can i get it fixed
kenneth bullock: if the instructor
kenneth bullock: will not fix it
kenneth bullock: this makes no sense
kenneth bullock: lmao
Alvin: You can show this chat script to your instructor and have him/her to contact us with regards to this issue
Alvin: You will receive an email with the incident number and a transcript of the chat after the chat has closed.
kenneth bullock: i already did that
kenneth bullock: from the last chat
kenneth bullock: i had with you guys
kenneth bullock: he still has not fixed it
kenneth bullock: oi
Alvin: Kenneth, as I mentioned earlier Pearson 24/7 Technical Support is prohibited from making any changes to the grades which you have received in the assignments in your instructor
kenneth bullock: what good are you then
kenneth bullock: if you cant do anything
kenneth bullock: why do you even get paid
kenneth bullock: to do nothing
Alvin: Please recheck with your instructor and if the problem still persists please have your instructor to contact us
kenneth bullock: who is the person that receives the money from my bank account
kenneth bullock: because this is not right
Alvin: Kenneth,  we can assist you with any technical issues you encounter while using the site like logging in, registering for the website, But your instructor handles the course settings and only he/she can make the changes to the grades or the assignments in which you are having issue.
kenneth bullock: god damnit what ever
kenneth bullock: good bye
kenneth bullock: thanks for nothing, yet again.
Alvin: I am sorry if I made you feel bad by my responses
Alvin: Thank you for contacting Pearson 24/7 Technical Support.  Have a good day.

Alvin has disconnected.
Announcements / Regarding the base disconnections.
February 20, 2012, 12:26:37 AM
Hello everyone, we realize that this was a major issue today.  To cover the issues, I have gone ahead and extended the event for 12 more hours (only for base).  So, if you were unable to complete base earlier, then please do it now.  The disconnection issue has been resolved.  If you are still disconnecting, then that means that your client did not update the files properly, and you will have to seek help from an administrator later.

February 16, 2012, 05:20:02 PM
BC Events / Valentines Weekend Event
February 16, 2012, 02:25:09 AM
Hello everyone, we have another cool event for everyone to partake in.  The event is to be done in three parts, one part each day.  There is one sector, one pvp and one base event. Below is a guide of how to complete each event.

Friday, February 17th 2012 (Sector Event)

*There must be at least 4 players in each room in order for golden chests to drop.
*There are four maps that you can play to complete this event: 37, 86, 133 and 186.
*Your bots level cannot exceed 30 levels over or under the maps level.
*You need 7 chests to complete this event.

How to get chests:
*By killing the boss in the designated maps.

Saturday, February 18th 2012 (Individual/Team PvP Event)

*There must be at least 4 players in each room in order for golden chests to drop.
*The game must last at least 4 minutes long.
*There are three maps that you can play to complete this event: Flop, Neo Data Cross and Heatsink.
*Your bots level cannot exceed 30 levels over or under the persons bot level that dropped the golden chest upon their death.
*You need 3 chests in Individual PvP and 3 chests in Team PvP to complete this event.

How to get chests:
*By picking them up when players are killed.

Sunday, February 19th 2012 (Base Event)

*There must be at least 6 players in each room (3+ on both teams) in order for golden chests to drop.
*There are three maps that you can play to complete this event: Industrobe Plains, Snow Mera Mountains and Aerodeck.
*The game has to last at least 5 minutes long, else no golden chest will appear for the winning team.
*Your teams bots levels added together cannot exceed 100 levels over or under the other teams bot levels added together.
*You need 6 chests to complete this event.

How to get chests:
*The base killed will always drop only one golden chest.

Prize Information:
*The prizes will be given out on Monday, February 20th 2012.
*Keep in mind that you should try your best to complete all three parts to this event, because the more you complete, the better the stats become on the items that you receive.
*The prizes will not be disclosed until Monday.

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