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Our last major update was last November

Started by Allie, October 09, 2014, 01:06:45 AM

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Quote from: FalseProphet on October 13, 2014, 12:59:00 PM
Quote from: Enciroth on October 12, 2014, 10:52:31 PM
Quote from: Yz on October 09, 2014, 02:31:57 AM
If we're trying to get the game active then I suggest a welcome back gift to players who haven't logged in for 3 months or so. I don't think unbanned players should be able to get these though to encourage good behaviour but doesn't matter in the long run.

Well if you want to bring back some older players just start with some simple things...

1. Bring back White Knight to the shop. You took out one of the most iconic trans packs in the game without any legitimate reason.
2. A new class of members for people who've been around for years, like "Veteran" or "Honorary Member." Give the oldies some recognition for coming back. This should be relatively easy to implement.
3. You guys should make an official game trailer. Sure, you have the videos from that video craze I started a couple years ago as well as that amateur rap video (which makes the game seem boring IMO), but you need something more professional that makes people actually want to play the game.

That's all for now. Thanks.
By the way. Selene, I know you plagiarized from me in one of your GM apps a long time ago. Just putting that out there. You probably forgot though, since that's just how much of a klutz you were.

1. The white knight and general scourge of w/e it was, where removed for an upcoming update swarm legion vs something else. I can barely even remember it, that it's been that long. Where planned to make a comeback when that update was meant to come in. So it was fairly legitimate, and sure someone else will explain in further detail with correct information.
2. How would you tell who has/hasn't been around for years? As most people have been here a long time, but then made new accounts along the line. Where-as some have brought account which where made by other people years back also, but only recently played bc.
3. +1

1. Exactly my point. You can't really call it fair or legitimate if admins remove game content for a so-called update that they don't even bring to the plate. It's been so long that you can't even recall the exact details of it. If you're going to remove something for an update, do it when you actually know for sure when you're going to implement the update. Keeping players waiting too long for new content is one of the factors that caused the downfall of Bots Acclaim, after all.
2. You can just set up an automatic system that recognizes players who have been registered for a certain amount of time or who were registered before a set point in time (e.g. the guild wipe). To keep it simple, the system would have to be indifferent to player accounts that register after the set point. If you don't have the technological savvy to do this, just promote members to the veteran class (or whatever you'll call it) manually. Psychologically speaking, giving the players recognition for being veterans is an easy way to positively reinforce the likelihood that they will return to being active.

Another tip. Be more active on your social media outlets (i.e. YouTube, FB) and make a Twitter or something. Really try to sell yourself. Just take a look at League of Legends if you need an example. This may also help you find a programmer that can make new content for the game that doesn't suck like the crappy transformations you ripped from T-bot.



Quote from: Encorith on October 14, 2014, 04:27:54 PMKeeping players waiting too long for new content is one of the factors that caused the downfall of Bots Acclaim, after all.

as always when someone says something like this i just wanted to clarify/call you out on it

that is not at all why bots died, not even a top 3 reason

1) bots had no updates, sure, but the real problem was no hotfixes/patches. hacks were destroying that game and they couldn't fix any cuz n-log went bankrupt

2) full corrupt staff team that shat on the voluntary staff team and entire playerbase

3) account hacks/server hacks ontop of all the gameplay hacks from reason 1

sure you said it was 'one of the factors' but it's not like either company is choosing it or why players ultimately left bots acclaim, it was moreso that they were simply a publishing company and the main dev company from korea was entirely bankrupt and shut down. that opened up the doors for a chain reaction of a shitstorm of things to go wrong for the game, and people who were still willing to play bots even with updates were just too obsessed - that game was done

Quote from: Encorith on October 14, 2014, 04:27:54 PMThis may also help you find a programmer that can make new content for the game that doesn't suck like the crappy transformations you ripped from T-bot.


they aren't really crappy, they are remodels and allie would likely have to pay someone for higher quality remodels then that. right now hiring a new staff member with some coding/modelling/other useful skill is not ideal, maybe when player count is a lot higher
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: -Speedy- on October 11, 2014, 03:30:35 PM
Quote from: CyberSox on October 11, 2014, 02:26:11 PM

3) - Most importantly - Bot-Stract

The change of bot-stract into something else was necessary at the time, but as fuel it is completely useless. You said above you do not want to give coins/gigas as prizes, so why try and find a way to give alternative prizes when BC already has a 3rd currency embedded. BC/BOTS used to work fine with a tri-currency system, it makes the market more interesting and allows for many things, as shown by other suggestions.My idea was to use bot-stract as a currency to buy cosmetic items in a separate cosmetic shop. There are plenty of ideas already about how to gain bot-stract, while also increasing pvp/bvb activity.

So kinda like a runescape private server as in the scene it's is like a pvp shop?

Not sure quite what you mean by that, but my suggestion is a cosmetic shop seperate to the normal shop. It doesn't even have to be a cosmetic shop, I think anything that involves Bot-Stract as a currency to be won with new fun ways and used to benefit the player would be a very successful update.



make some new maps of sector or add new drop for 239 and up ?
like new parts, shoulder, shield , gun , mini bot etc .. equipable for only members?

keep the stats on parts that is on rt, but i still suggest rt1 to be for members too.

make a challenging map for members, like fight the gods and get a lvl 270 set?
that is as strong as rt3?
<br />


nice idea the challange with the gods.

IGN : PT Roy(270)/PT Royster(262)
Guild : Prestige/Legion


Quote from: Robocop7ant on October 15, 2014, 01:27:30 PM
make a challenging map for members, like fight the gods and get a lvl 270 set?
that is as strong as rt3?
+10000, but dont make it strong as rt3
IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


IGN : PT Roy(270)/PT Royster(262)
Guild : Prestige/Legion


IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


it should not be same stats like something.
or stronger than rt1 but less than rt2 , or stronger than rt2 but less than rt3.

IGN : PT Roy(270)/PT Royster(262)
Guild : Prestige/Legion


not our desicion!

but should be rt2 or more, cause gods is stronger/got mch health.
i just come up with ideas.
if it will be less than rt2 no member accually need to try out the lvl.
and if they don't want items to be stronger than they are now, then nerf rt sets a bit, and make the dropin set on Gods map be like rt2 is now?
<br />


Quote from: Enciroth on October 12, 2014, 10:52:31 PM
3. You guys should make an official game trailer. Sure, you have the videos from that video craze I started a couple years ago as well as that amateur rap video (which makes the game seem boring IMO), but you need something more professional that makes people actually want to play the game.

Ey if you want this I have some pvp games vs cursed that look awesome ( no lagg no OP and pro gameplay ). 8) It could cover the pvp part for the trailer
In-game name:   -V1-Time2Die-


Quote from: Yz on October 14, 2014, 06:19:01 PM
as always when someone says something like this i just wanted to clarify/call you out on it

Thanks for that. I'm well aware of what happened with Acclaim and N-log, but that's not really my main point. Generally speaking, you should not keep players waiting for updates, especially when you're going to remove the availability of game content to do so.

Quote from: Yz on October 14, 2014, 06:19:01 PM
they aren't really crappy, they are remodels and allie would likely have to pay someone for higher quality remodels then that.

Compared to the rest of the game content, the T-bot transformations are crappy. You have all of these high quality transformations that promote the original, fast-paced action feel of the game. And then you have the T-bot transformations, which really feel like a downgrade; they are sluggish, don't have transformation sequence animations, and are of relatively low quality. It's all about standards.

Quote from: Yz on October 14, 2014, 06:19:01 PM
right now hiring a new staff member with some coding/modelling/other useful skill is not ideal, maybe when player count is a lot higher

That is exactly where I'm going with my encouragement of social media marketing. It would help you increase your active player base, which would increase the likelihood of selling. As far as hiring a programmer goes, that would depend on how well you can increase the game's popularity and funds. On the flip side, there is always the off chance that someone will volunteer to create new content for the game, considering most (if not all) of your staff members are volunteers anyway.

Best wishes.
P.S. Thanks a lot for your help back before the guild wipe. Unfortunately, no-life grinding was never our thing.


ah, i thought you were saying the t-bot transes were crappy looks-wise, i can agree that they are too slow/weak and don't really have a place in this game

and about before the guild wipe, any time, we were close but oh well
DISCORD killyzkill


here's a radical idea:

allow a cap of 100 or 200 for everyone

members get auto-cap. They go back to their original level based on exp once the membership expires.
sector used for speed runs and item hunting (e parts, + parts, whatever else has been added)
leveling itself can be hard so it may be viable to buy auto-100/200 instead of manual grinding. luck/etc. is added bonus as it is now for members. drop rates are rarer. exclusive member shop for **** like trans coupon can be implemented on forum. Items can be sold to non-members by the members for coins/gigas/items to create a sub-economy.


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